Olderfart's Dive Down the Living Soil Rabbit Hole

I like the growth form of the two I have going now better than the previous two, but I am concerned that the effects may be different too, which would be a damn shame as I need the knockout stone for sleep, and so far those original two are the best I have had ever. Fingers are crossed. OTOH, if the stone is the same, I am going to get a serious harvest from the current two. And they have a lot of fattening up to go yet. :biggrin: I'll post an update with pics later this morning.

Is your anvil a photo? :pighug:
It is auto from Gnome formally Madalorian.

First photo 24 carat Not, second photo 88 day 24 carat not hardly cloudy and no amber but plenty of mold.
12. Dec 19 update
Well peeps, the grow continues. Here is my regular Sunday update.

First the "drobe" in its current state:

SSSC Auto Ellephant front right, 2 Mephisto 24C's front right, 2 Dinamed Auto CBD Kush rear left, and Mephisto Fugue State rear right.

Next up, 2 Dinamed Auto CBD Kush, the eldest at Day 51, the younger about a week or so younger:

The stump in the foreground was the sickie runt recently chopped, the plant on the left is the eldest, soon to get the chop, and the younger one on the right is that one that stalled badly for a week or more but then exploded after I had already started replacements. It is notable that the surface of the soil is dry in this autopot setup. No gnats since the initial trickle was killed off with stickies and Mosquito Dunks.

Speaking of replacements, here they are:

They are now on ~900EC MCII on a shelf on the growdrobe door. I can't recall the age, but maybe going on 3 weeks. I will just grow them out in their transplant pots to see what they do rather than bin them because the runt they were intended to replace decided to pull up her skirts.

Next up, the Mephisto Fugue State and Day 51:


This girl has had issues right from the start, and I have not been able to fix them. If the persistent canoeing is light intensity, I do not understand because it has been backed off to ~400 PPFD for weeks, and nothing changes. Maybe the leaf issue is more related to the soil, which I believe was a bit too hot and caused a bit of lockout on some of the plants. She will produce some bud, and a few seeds anyway, but pretty she ain't. If I do another soil grow like this, I will back off the N heavy components to see how plants respond. Any suggestions would be welcomed. At this point, I intend to just let them do their thing and see how they finish up.

Next up, 2 Mephisto 24 Carat at Day 51:

These girls are probably the queens of the show now, but not by much. Of the four strains tried in this grow, they seem to be the happiest with the soil. Minor signs of excess N and hints of Ca lockout, but not much, and the bud is stacking nicely. Absent late surprises, yield should be nice.

And finally, the SSSC Auto Ellephant at Day 58:

She is showing signs of N toxicity and Ca lockout to my noob eye, but not bad, and those colas are about the size of my forearm. She may be starting to run out of grub, but again, not bad, so she may do quite nicely in the end.

That's it for the main "drobe" but this time around, I have some extra grow mischief to report on:

Mephisto 4 Assed Monkey rear left, Dinamed Auto CBD x Dinamed Auto CBD Kush rear right and front right, and Canuk (as I recall) Auto Pink Kush front left, all at Day 5.

I'm still waiting for my SSSC Bourbon Kush seeds, but decided that I should get on with some solo fun anyway. These are on Day 5, on AN coco nutes, now at ~900EC twice daily. The gismos on top are irrigation rings that will be hooked up to a pump later. There is a hole beneath each mark on the tubes. The solos will be supported in those plastic containers with the red tops in the growdrobe pics.

Right now, they are beneath their own diy LED light inside a diy grow chamber heated by a seedling mat controlled by an inkbird:

This should be fun. :biggrin:

Happy growing peeps. :pighug:
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Choppity chop chop for the elder Dinamed Auto CBD Kush
Here she is as of this morning at Day 62 with the larger fans removed:

She will be trimmed to buds and into brown paper bag(s) this morning. :)
Thanks for the rep @pop22, much appreciated. Once the third girl from that pot gets chopped, the yield from the CBD Kush pot should be reasonable. :biggrin: Maybe a week or ten days to go...
13. Christmas update, a day early
Too bloody cold out to do anything outside (-28C at the moment), so here is my weekly a day early.

The drobe in its current glory:

Front left solo, Mephisto 4 Assed Monkey; front left pot, SSSC Auto Ellephant at Day 64, front right pot, two Mephisto 24 Carat at Day 57; Rear left solo, Canuk Auto Purple Kush (or pink, dunno), Rear left pot, the last Dinamed Auto CBD Kush from that pot at Day 64; rear center and right solos, Diinamed Auto CBD KushxDinamed Auto CBD; and rear right pot, Mephisto Fugue State at Day 57. All solos are at Day 11, and were moved into the main drobe this morning.

Next up, the two Dinamed Auto CBD Kush plants originally intended to replace the runt in the CBD multipot. They are on a shelf attached to the front door, so they don't show in the above photo.

I will just finish them off in the transplant pots to see what they do. They are on MCII with a hint of BE at the moment, ~950 EC. They are a bit on the lime green side, so we shall see how this goes. :biggrin: I'm not sure how old they are but would guess something ~~ 45 or so days.

Next up, the SSSC Auto Ellephant, now sharing her corner with the M4AM solo:

Miss Ellephant has a fair ways to go, I would say at least a couple weeks, maybe more. I am not sure how those colas can get much bigger, but I'm also not sure she can go another couple weeks without them getting bigger. They are already the size of my forearm, as hinted at by this photo:

Sorry the photo is not better, I was trying to show how far down those colas go - as in almost all the way. This girl will be the heaviest yielder I have grown and then some if I can avoid the evil botrytis. RH has been raised to high 40% - low 50% after @Mañ'O'Green alerted me to me pushing it a bit hard.

Here is a closer shot of her corner mate the Mephisto 4 Assed Monkey:

This shows how I have solo irrigation set up. The solo is supported securely in the hole sawed hole in the lid of the bottom container. The green ring secured in the solo cup has six holes on its underside to distribute nutes, and the support container has a filter cloth and drain for collecting runoff. Each plant has its own runoff yogurt container so I can monitor EC of runoff independently and make adjustments as needed. The setup is inspired by the information on Cocoforcannabis.com. All plants are hooked up to the same pump and reservoir outside the drobe. For now, timing of irrigation will be manual, once my short period timer shows up, it will be automatic. I will continue with two fertigations per day until runoff suggests that they need 3. I expect to get up to 4 or more fertigations per day once they get boogying. The medium in the solos is brick coco, buffered by me, with ~20% perlite added. Nutes are AN Connoisseur Coco Grow and Bloom, straight Grow A and B now at ~1150 EC with ~~ 100EC Cal Mag included (hold yer nose @Mañ'O'Green - the babes showed calcium mischief early on, so I dealt with it this way for now). I will be backing off the Cal Mag as the reservoir is replenished.

Next up, the 2 Mephisto 24 Carats in their multipot:

There are two slightly different phenos, I think, and I think the rear one will produce better. Whatever, this pot is going to be another heavy yielder by the time both plants are chopped. I have seeded branches on both phenos, and it looks to me like I will get lots of seeds from each. She will be done before the SSSC, maybe as early as a week or 10 days.

Next up, the last of the Dinamed Auto CBD Kush plants in the 30l pot, now sharing her corner with the Canuk Auto PK:

Miss CBD has at least a week-10 days to go, but should produce almost as much as the last one chopped from this pot. Miss Auto PK continued to show hints of Mg deficiency, so she is still getting foliar epsom's salt with a but of yucca.

Next and last up, the Mephisto Fugue State, now sharing her space with a couple Dinamed CBD crosses from my seed adventure last winter:

This lady will be done before the SSSC, maybe in a week or so. Just about time to start watching those trichs.

And a couple closer shots of her solo buddies:

All the 30l pots have had a couple doses of AACT brewed up with extra Dolomite over the last couple days to help with what I see as a potential pH issue. They will get one more before turning the rez back on.

That pretty much covers it peeps, thanks for checking in.


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14. Dec 29 trich check and cola porn
I did a trich check on the Mephisto Fugue State and 24 Carat girls. Not ready yet, just the initial ambering of sugar leaves has started, lots of clear trichs, and lots of white pistils. But, a watchful eye now required. :biggrin:

While I was at it with the macro gear, I did a bit of cola porn:
24c colaedit.jpg

This is one of the several colas on one of my Mephisto 24 Carat girls.

Happy growing peeps.:pighug:
15. Weekly update January 1
Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
And plants they are still delightful,
So the update will be on CatDay,
etc. :biggrin:

The Drobe today in it's fading glory:

Front left yoghurt containers, Dinamed Auto CBD Kush; next front left solo, Mephisto 4 Assed Monkey; front left pot, SSSC Auto Ellephant; front right pot, Mephisto 24 Carat (2 plants); rear left solo, Canuk Seeds Auto PK; rear left pot, the last or 3 Dinafem Auto CBD Kush; rear center and right solos, Dinamed Auto CBD Kush x Dinamed Auto CBD from last winter's seed mischief; rear right pot mostly out of sight, Mephisto Fugue State.

First up, the two CBD Kush. I'm not sure how old, but they are well into flowering, and pistils just starting to curl and brown:

These were originally intended to replace a runt, but the runt pulled up her skirts. I will just finish them off in the transplant pots and add the cbd bud to the pile.

Next up, the SSSC Auto Ellephant:

Miss Ellephant is now at Day 71, and at least a week or two away from finishing, still lots of white pistils throughout. The solo beside her is a Mephisto 4 Assed Monkey. Miss Monkey had some sort of odd leaf issue earlier, but no sign of the same issue since. None of the other solos showed the same mischief.

Next up, Mephisto 24 Carat:

Two plants, slightly different phenos, the rear one larger, more Indica to my eye, and a bit more advanced, both at Day 64. Both have had one branch pollenated with M24C pollen.

Next up, Dinamed Auto CBD Kush:

She is still packing on the bud, but not pretty. I can't recall the age, but she is still more than a week or so from harvest. The solo beside her is a Canuk Seeds Auto PK. I am still giving Miss PK foliar epsoms to try to deal with the interveinal chlorosis.

Next up, the Mephisto Fugue State:

The solo beside her is a Dinamed Auto CBD Kush x Dinamed Auto DBD from seeds made last winter.

Miss Fugue is getting close at Day 64. She still has too many clear trichs to my eye, so I will hang in there for a few days yet. She has always had issues with the soil mix, likely the least happy of the autopot plants, but the bud is fattening up nicely anyway. Tough plants.

All the autopots are on the same nutes, plain water with about 100EC of Bud Explosion to lend a slight PK boost.

All the solos are at Day 18.
That's it peeps, more on the solos in the solo thread. Happy New Year all, and thanks for checking in. :pighug:


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16. Jan 3 trich check and porn.
Ok peeps, another trich check. Here are four shots of bud on the Mephisto Fugue State. @WildBill, you grew this strain recently, what do you think re. choppity chop timing? I am inclined to go at least a few more days, but on this sativa, I am not looking for couch lock, just not paranoia. I've never grown or tried this strain, so I am not sure what to do.

Anyway, here they are in semi-porn shots:
MFS cola.jpg
MFS cola2.jpg
MFS cola3.jpg

Any comments on timing from you sativa fans would be appreciated. :biggrin: