Oldbie needs advice


Apr 4, 2016
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auto white widow.JPG
Hi Guys, heres a pic of an auto white widow; shes not happy. I don't think its heat stress because there are other strains in exact same mix at exact same distance from light/heat and they are ok. I didn't quite get my mix right; was a tad heavy handed with lime and so my soil ph is around 7 possible a bit over. does this look any kind nutrient lockout symptom as a result of being too alkaline. thanks in advance
Yes it dose , do you have a soil probe to test the ph of the soil? If not I would water with a ph of 5.0 for 2 or 3 watering's. Then go back to 6.5 to get it to stabilize

Rough Calculation Guide:

Here's some good info on ph.....
If your runoff pH is higher than your starting pH, use this equation to determine your soil pH:*
Soil pH = Runoff pH + Difference

If your runoff pH is lower than your starting pH, us this equation:
Soil pH = Runoff pH - Difference.

For example, say your the starting pH of your solution before it goes in is 6.5 and the pH of your runoff is 7.0. The difference is +0.5, so using the above equation:
Soil pH = 7.0 + 0.5*
Soil pH = 7.5

If your starting pH is 6.5 and your runoff is 6.0, your difference is -0.5 and using the above equation:
Soil pH = 6.0 - 0.5
Soil pH = 5.5


And to end this log explanation you should get a good read in here.
:smoking: Oldbie-- can you get me some whole plant pics plz? Different strains can have different tolerances, plus their shape and height (proximity to the light/heat source), can account for this,.. but that isn't a defc. symptom in any case, that's heat/light intensity stress,... looks like many of the leaves are doing this, upper and lower-? Hmmm,... that's why I need more pics,...other things can cause this, like root trouble, but it's rare... As for the pH, if anything is going to lock out and show first, it's Fe, then Zn,.... their syptoms are pretty obvious, and I don't think I see any yet,...
Yes it dose , do you have a soil probe to test the ph of the soil? If not I would water with a ph of 5.0 for 2 or 3 watering's. Then go back to 6.5 to get it to stabilize

Rough Calculation Guide:

Here's some good info on ph.....
If your runoff pH is higher than your starting pH, use this equation to determine your soil pH:*
Soil pH = Runoff pH + Difference

If your runoff pH is lower than your starting pH, us this equation:
Soil pH = Runoff pH - Difference.

For example, say your the starting pH of your solution before it goes in is 6.5 and the pH of your runoff is 7.0. The difference is +0.5, so using the above equation:
Soil pH = 7.0 + 0.5*
Soil pH = 7.5

If your starting pH is 6.5 and your runoff is 6.0, your difference is -0.5 and using the above equation:
Soil pH = 6.0 - 0.5
Soil pH = 5.5


And to end this log explanation you should get a good read in here.

Truly excellent response Go, I am very grateful to you. I got some figuring out to do. unfortunately my only ph thang is one of those cheap two prong dial read-out jobbies, but its better than nothing (but ya have to clean those probes every time) . hopefully I can pull her back into the rude good health she started out with. damn that lime!.
thanks again brother.
....yeah, those units are rather dubious for accuracy,... make sure the soil is nice and moist, and try anyway,...
:smoking: Oldbie-- can you get me some whole plant pics plz? Different strains can have different tolerances, plus their shape and height (proximity to the light/heat source), can account for this,.. but that isn't a defc. symptom in any case, that's heat/light intensity stress,... looks like many of the leaves are doing this, upper and lower-? Hmmm,... that's why I need more pics,...other things can cause this, like root trouble, but it's rare... As for the pH, if anything is going to lock out and show first, it's Fe, then Zn,.... their syptoms are pretty obvious, and I don't think I see any yet,...

Thanks Waira, some astute observations there. if I can bring myself to put a whole picture up for you, I will; but shes a sorry looking LST-ed lady right now. she hasn't been any closer to the light and heat than any of the others for a week now and has a real.......
next morning. tried to reply last night but internet died on me. going to raise my light 12" this am. and will try post a full-plant shot. shes got a bad case of spidery-tops
(I just made that up but you know what I mean). ok.....more coffee.
later man.
...forgot to ask you what the temp, RH and air circ' is like in there... another test is to stick you hand out right at top levels, and feel what the intensity is like,... ambient is one thing, but proximity is something else at times! Any combination of higher Temp, low RH, strong air movement can cause this reaction,... it could be 77F, 15%RH and strong air circ' and still cause something like this,... what happens is the stomata close up to conserve water, so there goes the evaporative cooling! Also, the flow of water/nutes from roots up to there is restricted, which can cause weird localized defc. symptoms,...kinda becomes a vicious circle!
...forgot to ask you what the temp, RH and air circ' is like in there... another test is to stick you hand out right at top levels, and feel what the intensity is like,... ambient is one thing, but proximity is something else at times! Any combination of higher Temp, low RH, strong air movement can cause this reaction,... it could be 77F, 15%RH and strong air circ' and still cause something like this,... what happens is the stomata close up to conserve water, so there goes the evaporative cooling! Also, the flow of water/nutes from roots up to there is restricted, which can cause weird localized defc. symptoms,...kinda becomes a vicious circle!

I hear ya man; all good points. thing is my present set-up is a new one. also new is a step up from 400w MH to 600w HPS. still getting used to it and certainly could have done things better.
temps and RH are averaging 23-25 degs centigrade (77-ish F) and RH between 54% and 63%). I have a tower fan cutting in for 30 mins every hour (was 15 mins every hour but as plants grow etc. extractor fan on 24 hours now to keep the RH down (as the girls are heading into flower, I know this is too high). I have just raised the HPS to about 600-700 mm above tops and the light is on 24/7. I am sold on the rapidity and the decreased wear and tear on ballast and bulb which is largely caused by the on-ing and off-ing of the electrics. got an increase in my electricity coming that's for sure.
heres are some shots. and thanks again for your input; much appreciated.

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