Live Stoner Chat Old Hand Newbie from Australia

Been a while since I posted.

Weather been fickle, still got a few drop outs temp wise on the overnights, but the good days are getting more frequent, which is a good sign.

Fruit and veg germination has been through the roof , Im certainly going to run out of space. Had a couple of miracle grows, Roma seeds I had from over 10 years ago, a long survived variety from my parents Italian neighbours who passed a few years ago, germ at 60% but had delays. Excited to keep the lineage alive. Got some Watermelons and pumpkins up and powering on using some enhanced methods in the face of poor weather. Germed a few more pineberries from seed 6/100 so far, but still early days.

So whats with all the vege talk? Well the Greenhouse has become The Lab, been running some new techniques and trialling some new soil mixes and mapping results. Im much more a soil/gardener/greenthumb than a grower I guess would be the best way to describe myself. Anyway Im putting into practice some new ideas and mediums to become more productive. Just took a record harvest of the pineberries, very satisfying. I wont bore with any more details but Ive been enjoying myself.

Hopefully before this time next week Ill have some canna content. Ive been busy in the background making sure everything was ready to give it a good go right out the gate. Grow thread coming. Cheers.
Checking in.

Germination has been challenging, and a seedling hasnt happened. Feeling cursed, hasnt been for a lack of trying though. :wall:

Ive tried to handle every obstacle and frustration, but no good so far. :shrug: This has never been a problem in the past.
In fact Im ashamed to say Ive had zero luck.:deadhorse:

Only trick I havent tried is putting them in the fridge for a bit in an attempt to push them in and out of hibernation.

That said if things stay this way might just cut my losses (time) and go straight auto route with some photos as back up. Thinking maybe I should have just done that anyway, just didnt want to over commit my time which is always less than I like as a contractor.

Last resort will be to lean on an associate for a clone, just trying super hard to keep my grows on lockdown, and that route is a bit of a pandoras box.

Any way if you could all send me a a bit of a good grow vibe maybe this try I started today might just be the lucky one.

What germination method are you using mate? Best luck I've had is putting seed straight into the dirt with a cut off bottle over the top, keep warm and moist and usually a couple of days later it's up :thumbsup: ....Sending :vibes: and hoping your luck improves!
Seeds into ph water warmed to 28C on heat pad in dark for 24 hours, got seed splits but no tails, onto cotton wool waited for tail germ. Nothing. In the past this has worked nearly every single time for me. Once tails get out of seed casing its off to the races, but they just....stalled. I checked my usb temp tracker that reads every .5 hours, no issues. But I thought maybe I need to handle them a little less.

So Try 2 I tried direct sowing into coir, again warmed to static 26.5 C, warm water PH spray to settle in, 8 days, nothing. I figured maybe Id coddle them to life.

Try 3, soaked until tail on two, plastic bagged on paper towels each seed separately for 24 hours, no extra tails, no growth on tails, some didnt split, sowed into seed starter mix, all at 26.5 to 27 during all cycles and on heat tray, its end of day day 6 today, no surface breaks.

Started a couple more, went ultra coddling, waited till ambient temp was dead on 27 outside cabinet from transfer, still only 2 tiny tails and couple splits, bagged into humidity dome on heat pad, preheated coir in degradable cups tempreture checked using propagation thermometer , premade sowing holes, prewatered, soft tweezer trasfer at exact depths, again, day 4.5, still nothing. I havent given up on these Ive just never had to wait more than 2.5 days to see the seed leaves pushing or through, by day 4 I would expect there should be seed leaves out and under lights.

RH been a little up and down, but not wildly in the cabinet, I cant see what I did wrong. Im batting at over 90% using same methods and exact same setup in same cabinet side by side for every other type of seed I germinated this year, but the cannas showing no love. Just a little heartbroken and ego bruising. Seems a lot of meticulous trying, (and seeds for that matter) to still have flat topped containers. Unless Im overlooking something Im out of ideas.

Last time growing I popped 30/30 with first method, by 12 hours in water all had tails, I raised 15 on cotton till tails were over an inch, and direct sowed the other 15, 7 in coir, 8 in seedling mix. Was trying to see what method got them bigger faster, wasnt much difference. Every one on the females went right through no issues.

One way or another Ill get some up, its just never been this hard before.
Some healthy signs today, got them all in their beds. Feeling a bit more positive this evening, going to go direct again tomorrow with a few more for luck.

Raised the temps a little, pushed into 30.5 seemed to do the trick, matched with heat pad just around 33 which is pushing it but my best guess is absorption and transpiration exchange needed a little kick in temp on these sativas. Now they've bedded Ill try and bring the RH closer to stable 40s, and just leave it ticking a little more like 29 to 30.

Lets hope the choppy waters have turned to more favourable seas. Peace.
Well Im out of answers.

I have tried every conceivable thing I can think of but I must admit complete failure.

Perhaps I can go in the tomato grow thread?!

Threw some capsicum in the grow cupboard and every single one came up. Same media, same start methods, same temps, same exact everything, 60/60 from two types of seeds, one heirloom nearly 8 years old, one modern pack. Im plum out of ideas. Then I second guess myself if thats false positive proof....

I tried complete sanitation, starting in media and out, controlled the shit out of temps and rh, distilled phd water, put a couple in fridge for 24 hours, argh.

One canna batch turned Frankenstein on me, Im scared to open the lid.

So for now Im gonna take a break and just put it all to one side, throw out all the failures, clean the cupboard, pack up the equipment, might just try a couple in the greenhouse even though overnights are really too low. Maybe defying the rules might set me free haha.

Its been super frustrating to say the least. Worse when i see the other hundreds of seedlings in my backyard.

Anyway the silver lining is Ive experimented with some different soil profiles through the veges and got right back in to sourcing and making my own amedments, a lot of beautiful growth (roots and bodies) which has definitely made me a better and more in tune horticulturist which is great. Knowing how to build and sustain great soil is a true gift, and will feed me for many years to come. Its almost the best form of meditation, theres a real zen from enhancing nature to help it do its thing.

I wont be posting unless I get something going, might wait on some o/s autos and see if that doesnt bring me some joy. Until then heres my "other" babies. The cherries were my grafts, second year trying, this time looks very successful.



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