Live Stoner Chat Old Hand Newbie from Australia

First day the old temp guage registered 6 hours over 20c, wattles are out early meaning a dryer hotter than average year, dusted off the old heat trays and started looking into cfl, looks like I will have to get my act together, grow time getting closer by the day... Worth a look guys . Here in Australia , This is what I use I have 9 of them :thumbsup:

I would never rain on a mans parade but the old credit card would get a workout!

Unfortunately having a dedicated indoors grow room is not an option right now, although definitely my preference. With a bit of luck by this time next year I will have purchased my own place and then its a very real possibility.

I only thought about giving them a headstart while the weather deemed outdoors unviable, seems to me the fastest most simple way was cfl, plenty of info, easily accessible, and reasonably effective, one weekend dedication and be good to go. I still have several of my old halogens, ballasts, reflectors and spare globes, and carbon filter, just impossible to do by stealth atm. Better to go outdoors for now, plenty of areas to grow successfully.
DV8, CFLs are cheap, i got 2 lights for a bit over 100$, might be more deals there on ebay. Outdoors is great, the sun is free, yet rain and pests not so welcomed
Update, its been a while trying to shake off the last of winter weather.

Collected up my soil Ive had sat aside, quick sift, and undergoing final settling in greenhouse.

Went out to the farmlands and dug a heap of nettles, will go again this weekend as they are already seeding and will come to an end as the weather heats up, going to try hanging and drying some this year. Mixed up a tea for the vege patch, will go on tomorrow. The leftovers split between the worm farm and the compost, excellent activator for composting. Ive heard you can consume nettle tea, plenty of info around, might summon up the courage this weekend, not the most appealing smell when its cooking.

Tested the water here, came in between 32 and 52 ppm, not bad at all, better than I thought tbh. Intial ph tests suggest its good too, which hopefully will stay the case, searched high and low for my ph pen, ended up with a test kit, too many house moves I guess.

Got so keen to get my grow on that I planted a few vege seeds, pretty good success rate, but some of the older seeds may well have passed beyond being viable, quite a few empty squares in the minis, a bit sad really, some great varieties I will have to find again it seems.

Got dwarf beans, peas, and some Grosse Lisse into advanced seedling stage, pretty sure the zuchs and yellow zuchs will push through the surface any day now too, got that nice curve sitting above the tray on 8 or 9 squares.

The weather should be on the improve shortly and the real growing can begin. Cheers.
Heres the new vege crop coming up, pineberries i transplated growing from seeds, finiky little buggars to get to germinate and keep seedlings going, but high fruiting when they do establish. Taste like a cross between pineapple and strawberry. Needed a bigger pot to drain, poor thing kept getting wet feet.


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Zuchs finally up :woohoo:, quick pic of soil.

Canna free zone I know, but I'll get there.


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