Update, Week 10, [HASHTAG]#OpticFoliar[/HASHTAG] test for [HASHTAG]#autoflower[/HASHTAG].net :biggrin: [HASHTAG]#Dinafem[/HASHTAG] Industrial Plant CBD auto.
Everything is still going great! The two plants really do look completely different now. It looked like things were winding down, but now both burst up with tons of fresh pistils. Some plants do this funny thing, right when you think it's trying to be done, it'll sometimes explode with new bud growth like a "Flowering 2.0" lol. Both are doing just that. Sometimes a heavy AACT tea can trigger this, but I never got around to even one tea lol.

The tester plant is performing just amazingly, beyond my expectations. Spraying ceased a few days ago last Friday. My math last week was wrong, it received 9 complete weeks of Optic Foliar. Just phenomenal results.

Control plant is just fine, it's doing some really pretty leaf coloring up. This could be the cold temperatures though.
Together, test plant on the left:

Test plant:

Control plant, pretty colors!:

Mid bud, test plant, turning white with crystals!!:

Mid bud, control plant:

Cola, tester plant, gorgeous, those sugary leaves are going to make some damn fine CBD extract!:

Cola, control plant, also beautiful, just a bit less of everything:

Sheesh, I want to eat one of those leaves lol! I do usually do a leaf taste test just haven't thought it was quite time yet. That can tell you a lot actually after doing it awhile. Anyway, it's going fabulous and I can hardly wait to sample the flower! Peace and love for now!
Everything is looking good guys..the holidays have me a bit behind and ill have a full update this evening,heres a quickshot of all the plants,still getting sprayed regularly
Sorry I fell behind, the girls haven't been sprayed in a couple weeks, I had an aphid infestation and wound up stripping most of the leaves.

Update week 10 day 69
Girls are on flush here's the test plant


Control plant


I'm going to say the Optic Foliar made quite a bit of difference. The buds are way fuller and seem to have better trich coverage. I'll definitely be using it again and again.
Update middle of week 6..
first lets start with a side by side if the dinafem white widows-the plant to the left is the test plant and while it is smaller,the bud formation looks more solid...both plants had an LST to spread them open..the test plants buds appear to have more trich development and may finish sooner than rhe control plant...one ** important note** I am running a multi bottle nute on these plants and i am not adding cal mag,this resulted in a deficiency for the test plant because it is eating more from the foliar feeding( i think)
heres a pic of a leaf from the test plant
these three pics are from the control plant
these three pics are from the test plant............Okay...this next pic shows the Green Crack plants
the left plant is the test plant and the ine that was further behind,She has passed the control plant in size,the bud development looks a bit behind but the test is not over
these two pics are the control plant
these four pics are the test plant and i have included a few of some crazy anomaly causing ..well..i don't know,lets ask @Waira .. Its a full branch of yellow leaves,def not N deficient,the plant has yellow streaking in other areas as well but not full yellow leaves/branches.....The two test plants are still getting sprayed at least three times per week.i feel they still have 3-4 weeks left and will push the teat plants a bit further before i stop spraying...more to follow
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My tester plant felt more nute hungry too, in the good way. I probably could have went balls out with heavier feed and done teas like I'd planned, but couldn't quite put the time in. Still, I'm getting just amazing results!
Update, Week 11, [HASHTAG]#OpticFoliar[/HASHTAG] test for [HASHTAG]#autoflower[/HASHTAG].net
Things are definitely winding down now, they've hit that plateau hard, not going to be getting any bigger now. This will be the last live update, I'm going to get back in with the scissors in the next couple of days. I'm even going to need to buy more jars lol! The last watering was just water many days ago, been letting them dry up a bit with harvest in mind.

Together, test plant on the left:

Tester plant, [HASHTAG]#Dinafem[/HASHTAG] Industrial Plant CBD auto, sprayed with Optic Foliar:


Don't know why a couple fan leaves are canoeing, it's cold, maybe they're just tired of life lol.


Control plant, Dinafem Industrial Plant CBD auto, not sprayed:



All for now friends, will have the judo chop pictures up in a few days! Peace and love
Awesome work @Anthropolis ...keep us updated with bud drying porn!! How is evryone elses grows going???
Ohhh and @Ripper ,ive put in the request to badge u up for this test..If you can share some pics and a summary of the test with us here that will help all that are watching the test progress..Awesome job by the way!!