Would love to hear how the final smoke is with the test plant compared to the Optic treated plants. Everything is looking really nice! love seeing the variety and colors in some strains. :)
Keep it up guys, and have a Happy New years!
its almost 420 where I am sooooooo its time for a toke!!!
Both picture below were treated with OF from there start and are doing well but due to my lower grow room temps of around 75 degrees because of the winter weather they are a bit slower than my summer grows that are in the 80degree temp range but it is what it is so we will see what happens.The other non spray tester plant got a real bad cal-mag def issue and looks pretty bad but she will have a few a very small yield.I really don't no how she got so bad but I think my ph meter was not calibrated right and thus had a bad effect on her.I think the remaing two plants were saved by using the OF spray and correcting my ph problem.I think i will go back to organic nutes for my next grow and see if i can stop having PH problems.I'll be back in a week or so with another update so until than all the best grow karma to all.View attachment 673645 View attachment 673647
Final update day 78.This will end my test grow of Optic Foliar and she will be chopped next week.I started out with three DP Night Queen and only one was sprayed with Optic Foliar and this is her picture.The other two developed a bad cal/mag issue and i think it was caused by my ph meter being not calibrated correctly and causing my watering to be wrong ph level.The sprayed plant did not have any problems and grew faster the the other two so the spray did a good job keeping her healthy.So all In all the product did it's job and I will continue using it on my future grows and would highly reccommend it..
Optic Foliar Update
With Bud Porn
Pops Official Optic Foliar test
Week 8 day 61
I will be using 3 ladys for the test
2, I will use Optic Foliar
1, I will use nothing

ph water 6.5 for all lady's
Blood DRagons :dragon3:

My 2 Test Lady's :smoking: I'm spraying the test lady's 3 time a week :cheers: after

I added worm castings an Bio Char. 1/8 cup worm, 1/4 cup Bio Char. to top of soil. that should help with this issue.
I am also using no HPS for the first time.

Room Temp 75-80
R/ H 38-60
soil temp 73

This Is Test lady [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] O.F. 3 times a week
Buds are hard an covered with Tri's Nice:cheers::woohoo1:

Test Lady [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Control ( no O.F. )


Test Lady [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] Harder Buds more Tri's :woohoo::pop:

No Changes
THe ladys are

[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] control lady 20" tall 12" wide ( no O.F. )
Buds Smaller and less firm. or softer. clear Trichomes
[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] O. F. is 20" Tall 12" wide
Bigger Buds then [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] an harder The Trichomes are cloudy 50% already wow.
[HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] O.F. is 24: Tall 13" Wide
Just Bigger all around Buds size.
Trichomes are 25% cloudy 75% clear Trichomes.

More to come
My run is drying great, if a little slow. They were in the jar for half a day and the RH was too high, so went into paper bags for a couple of days to come down slowly. Just went back into jars, we'll see how the RH is but should be officially curing now. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

If the RH is correct and stable, then we'll have weights in a day or two, but already there's obviously more in the Optic Foliar jar. Hoping to have smoke tests in a day or two also!
Here we are at day 60, and as stated previously,i have discontinued use of the Optic Foliar,however look at the pics to see the differences in the plants even tho there is no further use!! First up is the two White Widow plants
with these two plants you can see that the test plant to the left has no yellow leaves,
the closeups would show that the buds are tighter,bigger and have more frost than the control plant....rhe control plant did get bigger,but the iverall size compared to the bud structure is not impressive......now we move to the Green Crack plants
the test plant is to the left,at rhe start it was smaller and behind growth compared to the control plant..the fact that the test plant has some yellowing could be due to a strain specific anomaly,this plant did have some twisting of leaves,color variegations/marbling,and a branch that grew with color breaks
the bud development on these two plants looks to be about equal,the frost development is better on the test plant and this may be attributed to the OF keeping this plant growing the best it could despite the genetic deficiency,i dunno,jus sayin...anyway,the plants will be evaluated at the 75 day mark to see if they are ready for a chop!! More updates to follow...everybodies plants/updates are looking good,keep em coming!!