Since most of us are using autos does switch have a different affect compared to photos?

Would you recommend switch as a preventative or just with prone hermie genetics?

Also I read overgrow has atak in it is this correct? Could I add more attack if needed to the rtu overgrow?

Will there ever be an overgrow concentrate to save on shipping? I assume the shipping to the distributer then to consumers is a large part of the price.

Sorry for the questions guys I'm just confused.
sorry for the all caps.

Switch is a very unique product. it must be used as follows:

  • use early in flower to prevent seeds & herms or as a spray to trigger plants into bloom faster. you should start seeing crowns at day 7 rather than day 10. In this application I would recommend a day 1 & 10 application. I have had some customers start to use as a transition spray to push them into bloom right away.
  • can be used in mid to late bloom to combat or get rid of seeds and herms.
  • to use switch please follow these instructions.
  • add 10 ml of transport to every liter of switch ( you do not dilute switch, its ready to use, other than adding transport)
  • once you add transport you need to shake and spray within 20 minutes, after that it is garbage and needs to be tossed out.
  • cut nutrient strength by 50 % a day before applying switch
  • make sure to spray lights off, in cool temperatures under 75 degrees and over 60
  • a light mist is needed, just get the leaves wet do not drench them LESS IS MORE
  • I just need to highlight that less is more, its counter-intuitive as you generally want to drench a plant, but not with switch
  • 2 applications 10 days apart. no more than 2 sprays is recommended.

Now you may notice a yellow/white spot in the middle of the leaf, or you may see a wrinkled leaf a day after applying switch.
The reason is that switch produces ethelyene gas 4 hours after it gets into the plant, and needs to get out. so it does so by going through the leaves and as a result may leave a spotting or wrinkle effect on the leaves.

This does not affect growth, quality yield taste etc, however it will make the leaves look ugly for a few days and will prevent seeds and hermies.

Remember LESS IS MORE.

Ok, now any questions :smokeout:
Since most of us are using autos does switch have a different affect compared to photos?

Would you recommend switch as a preventative or just with prone hermie genetics?

Also I read overgrow has atak in it is this correct? Could I add more attack if needed to the rtu overgrow?

Will there ever be an overgrow concentrate to save on shipping? I assume the shipping to the distributer then to consumers is a large part of the price.

Sorry for the questions guys I'm just confused.
Hi @BigSm0 i can help with some of the question..the overgrow rtu does have atak in it,you could add more if needed...but the second part of the question..the single bottles of transport,watts,rev,and atak are the concentrated bottles and a "custom"mix could be created using the individual bottles..I will let OpticFoliar explain the use of Switch because i have never used it..
@stepside and @ bigsmo

with our RTU overgrow, feel free to add azamax,neem oil, pyrethrum at half strength if you ever need to combat bugs mites etc.

wit our 4 part concentrate, after you mix again you can add aza, neem oil, pyrethrum at half strength.

Use the pest component within a day as it can start to break down, the optic component will not go bad.

Hope this helps. Hit me up with any questions I may have missed or any clarity I can provide.

Does this general rule of 1/2 dosage also apply to highly ionic salts, such as Ca, Mg and Si supplements?

How late in bloom can Transport/Overgrow be used? Fluid on leaves looks to be harmlessly sucked-up or disappears relatively quickly into the plant's fluids. Does the same thing happen with buds, or with buds is the water not taken into the plant's fluids? Or does any getting late-stage buds wet, even using Transport or Overgrow, bring too high risk for fungal infection?
Here's a quick update

No Optic Foliar


Optic Foliar plant



OPTIC FOLIAR TEST GROW. Hello to all AFN members.First off,thanks to Optic Foliar for the opportunity to do a test grow.I will be growing two Dutch Passion Night Queen autos grown in 5 gal. air pots using Promix Ultamite Organic mix under a Platinum P 300 LED light 18/6.Nutes will be General Hydro flora series veg,bloom.and micro,along with cal/mag and silica. Picture is girls at day 12 and had there first spray this morning and I will spray 3 times per week and post a pic also every week.View attachment 652974
Update day 22. Both plants are doing well and with OP plant looking a little smaller due to the non OP plant started throwing pistols ahead of the OP girl and she's stretching so she is a little taller.That being said .with only two plants it's hard to do a comparison and It probably would be better to have more plants for a better test but I don't have the room.All in all the OP plant is doinf very well and we shall see what happens as time goes on.
Since most of us are using autos does switch have a different affect compared to photos?

Would you recommend switch as a preventative or just with prone hermie genetics?

Also I read overgrow has atak in it is this correct? Could I add more attack if needed to the rtu overgrow?

Will there ever be an overgrow concentrate to save on shipping? I assume the shipping to the distributer then to consumers is a large part of the price.

Sorry for the questions guys I'm just confused.

Switch can definetly be used as a preventative and to trigger them into bloom.
Yes, overgrow does have atak in it, and if needed you can always add extra atak if you feel the need.

To make your own OVERGROW you just need TRANSPORT, WATTS, REV & ATAK concentrate and you can always add your own natural pesticide to make litreally dynamic. The concentrates will save you money and give you more solution. Overgrow is great for people who dont want to mix or have smaller gardens.
Since most of us are using autos does switch have a different affect compared to photos?

Would you recommend switch as a preventative or just with prone hermie genetics?

Also I read overgrow has atak in it is this correct? Could I add more attack if needed to the rtu overgrow?

Will there ever be an overgrow concentrate to save on shipping? I assume the shipping to the distributer then to consumers is a large part of the price.

Sorry for the questions guys I'm just confused.

Always feel free to ask questions, :cheers::pass:
Does this general rule of 1/2 dosage also apply to highly ionic salts, such as Ca, Mg and Si supplements?

How late in bloom can Transport/Overgrow be used? Fluid on leaves looks to be harmlessly sucked-up or disappears relatively quickly into the plant's fluids. Does the same thing happen with buds, or with buds is the water not taken into the plant's fluids? Or does any getting late-stage buds wet, even using Transport or Overgrow, bring too high risk for fungal infection?

"Does this general rule of 1/2 dosage also apply to highly ionic salts, such as Ca, Mg and Si supplements?" do you mean in reference to OVERGROW or ?

for use in late bloom: yes any product with transport will experience our [HASHTAG]#30minutefoliardeliveryguarantee[/HASHTAG] . you can safely spray up to week 5 of bloom with no real concerns with bud rot or mold. however as the plant gets bigger, the key is to focus on the leaves and trying to spray the leaves as that is where the light and nutrition is used and the bud is the output. you can stop at week 5 and if you want to you can use up to 2 weeks before harvest but try your best to get the leaves and not the buds.
To make my own mix which I may do I would add water to the 4 concentrated products as I'm sure the label recommends and then mix them all together at equal parts? This should have the same shelf life as overgrow?I know I sound pretty dim here I just can't seem to grasp all the info. Also cooked through a 1/2 gallon of overgrow in a couple weeks time so I'm up for the savings.

My issue seems to be extensive and regular calmag deficiencies with the billion watts of cobs lol. I supplement with calmag and sugar daddy. If I were to add in both items I would do it at 50% strength strength by diluting with water then mix in to my mix. Also will this have the same shelf life? Or if I were to use epsom salt, add in twice as much water as normal and add this to the overgrow? Maybe I should just call OF lol