Since most of us are using autos does switch have a different affect compared to photos?
Would you recommend switch as a preventative or just with prone hermie genetics?
Also I read overgrow has atak in it is this correct? Could I add more attack if needed to the rtu overgrow?
Will there ever be an overgrow concentrate to save on shipping? I assume the shipping to the distributer then to consumers is a large part of the price.
Sorry for the questions guys I'm just confused.
Would you recommend switch as a preventative or just with prone hermie genetics?
Also I read overgrow has atak in it is this correct? Could I add more attack if needed to the rtu overgrow?
Will there ever be an overgrow concentrate to save on shipping? I assume the shipping to the distributer then to consumers is a large part of the price.
Sorry for the questions guys I'm just confused.
sorry for the all caps.
Switch is a very unique product. it must be used as follows:
- use early in flower to prevent seeds & herms or as a spray to trigger plants into bloom faster. you should start seeing crowns at day 7 rather than day 10. In this application I would recommend a day 1 & 10 application. I have had some customers start to use as a transition spray to push them into bloom right away.
- can be used in mid to late bloom to combat or get rid of seeds and herms.
- to use switch please follow these instructions.
- add 10 ml of transport to every liter of switch ( you do not dilute switch, its ready to use, other than adding transport)
- once you add transport you need to shake and spray within 20 minutes, after that it is garbage and needs to be tossed out.
- cut nutrient strength by 50 % a day before applying switch
- make sure to spray lights off, in cool temperatures under 75 degrees and over 60
- a light mist is needed, just get the leaves wet do not drench them LESS IS MORE
- I just need to highlight that less is more, its counter-intuitive as you generally want to drench a plant, but not with switch
- 2 applications 10 days apart. no more than 2 sprays is recommended.
Now you may notice a yellow/white spot in the middle of the leaf, or you may see a wrinkled leaf a day after applying switch.
The reason is that switch produces ethelyene gas 4 hours after it gets into the plant, and needs to get out. so it does so by going through the leaves and as a result may leave a spotting or wrinkle effect on the leaves.
This does not affect growth, quality yield taste etc, however it will make the leaves look ugly for a few days and will prevent seeds and hermies.
Remember LESS IS MORE.
Ok, now any questions![]()