I checked monster gardens and your absolutely right 30ml of each per gallon. I ordered 2 gallons worth of concentrate for $50 which is excellent! I paid close to 60 for a gallon of premixed stuff 2 weeks and it's half way gone. I'm also doing some side by side testing and the grow is in favor of overgrow. If it wasn't for this live vendor testing I probably wouldn't have known about it either

I offer the Ready to use and concentrates as for some growers ready to use is easy for smaller tent growers as well it is a good introduction to our line to see what our products can really do. The concentrates then provide you with the ability to save money, get more solution. It also helps to have the extra concentrate bottle of TRANSPORT for use with bug sprays.

For all growers, TRANSPORT is a valuable tool in IPM programs for combating bugs. TRANSPORT can be mixed with a number of pesticides and when done so; use pesticides at half strength, add TRANSPORT full strength, then spray lights on, just the tops of the leaves. It will help you save money, get better results and be able to spray in full sunlight. :)
End of week 5 day 34

Pics taken the other day

The optic foliar plant (right side) has just about caught up to the control plant.
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OP DUTCH PASSION UPDATE DAY30 Optic Foliar plant looking very nice and seems to be a little more robust than the non OP plant but she started stretching ahead of the test plant.I moved my lights around so each test plant has it's own Platinum P 300 light so this should be better than sharing one light for both.Both lights are at 24 inches from canopy.
Pops Official Optic Foliar test
At last I'm ready
Week 2 day 10
I will be using 3 ladys for the test
2, I will use Optic Foliar
1, I will use nothing
I have not used anything at this point
ph water 6.5
Blood DRagons:dragon3::dragon3:
DSCF6559 (2).JPG

Beautiful everybody! Some really gorgeous plants up in here! I'm noticing just about everyone is lush, green, juicy looking, and very healthy! This is about the time where we sometimes have run into issues during other tests but it's pretty stellar over here! Apples to oranges though, as this is a really unique and different product. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::smoking::smoking::smoking:
Week 5 Update, [HASHTAG]#OpticFoliar[/HASHTAG] test for [HASHTAG]#autoflower[/HASHTAG].net
Now we are seeing a real difference and divergence, it could almost look like two different strains now! The Optic Foliar test plant has much better branching, a more robust overall appearance, more leaves now, much thicker stalk, more and better bud sites, and I can tell even the roots are better!

So basically I'm sold. Lol!

No issues to report now. There was that early Mag def that I caught early and just added more CalMag and Epsom to the feed water, but it's been cleared up now. I have not detected any pH drift in the test plant soil. (remember friends that if a plant pulls certain nutes too hard in the root zone, it can drift the pH).

My plant's leaves don't appear dramatically darker green than the control like a couple members did, but I do have more and bigger leaves, so just as well to the plant. Ok enough talk, show us da peeks!
Together, test plant left, control plant right.

Optic Foliar test plant, Industrial Plant CBD auto:

Compare to control plant, Industrial Plant CBD auto:

Let's compare stalks too, I'm tellin' ya there's a surprising difference in stalks!

Optic Foliar test plant stalk is much more solid and thicker, immediately better branching from the jump!:

Control plant stalk, just fine and healthy but much less thick and less branching, thinner branches too:

You can just tell looking at it that somehow even the test roots are better! And we all know that means better-bigger herb!
I'm really happy with this, this is the kind of test we allllll love to see! It just sold itself to me lol! Sometime soon I'll clip a few leaf samples and see what they look like under a microscope.

But I think there's more to it than chloroplasts. I spent a great deal of time thinking about it, and it all adds up: what does the plant want to do? It wants to reproduce, just like every single thing. To do this, it has to expend large amounts of energy collecting building blocks from the sun and the soil. If it can save or conserve energy, it would love to. So if some of it's needs can be delivered (by us) right to the factories (in the leaf), then that is saved energy it doesn't have to fight stuff out of the soil/sun with! With that saved energy and surplus building blocks, it can build more sex stuff and more defenses! This is precisely what we (humans) are after. Win!