Dutch Passion Objective; Medical CBD | Dutch.P. | Ortega Indica | Night Queen | LED&CFL | Airpots | Coco

just go with what it says on the bottle
Maybe aim for 5.8 to 6.2pH Groff..

You don't have to keep pH bang on all the time mate... Just in range... All the time.. if you get me..

Your plants will uptake different elements in the food as your pH fluctuates between say 5.8 & 6.2pH.. y'know.

Just try & keep it in range dude...

Good luck :wiz:
As I have since day one Kush. It was the plan to "swing" the pH within a tight range. Not overly paranoid to smack 5.8 every time, but I was aiming for a nice clean and consistent grow. That plan's gone... Really starting to think 2 of them are not going to make it.

I just found a new thread over at UK420, apparently a couple of other growers are having very similar issues, Doobz seems to know this brand of coco well and made some pertinent comments on it. So at least I get to sleep tonight knowing it wasn't my complete incompetence... It all makes sense now, reviewing my steps. The initial stunted growth at transplant was not shock or LED shock at all, they had been loving LED up to then, even bending toward it.
The stunted growth was from the roots being nice ant 5.8'ish in the root riot cubes, and as soon as they touched the coco, wham! ph over 7, stunt, nute lock, yellowing, eating back the oldest and biggest leafs.

On the upside, I have some left over beans and a new tent on the way.... might as well just nuke this whole grow! Tent and all looolz... Burn it all to the ground and send the ashes over to Canna HQ so they can go fertilize themselves with them... :finger:

At worse, the next grow will start off as its supposed to... :no:
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you are using coir specific nutes?
canna coco etc
Canna A & B

for now... plus;

Bio Boost
PK 13/14
Sensi Cal Mag Veg
Sensi Cal Mag Bloom
Growth Tech Liquid Silicon (as pH up too)
Growth Tech pH(-)
which canna a&b aqua, vega, coir, organic, terra?
Oops, thought it was implied. Canna Coco A&B.

I did the recommended procedure to test the pH of the medium. Diluted 1:1.5 coco straight from the bag into demineralised water.
pH of water is 5.6 (odd, shouldn't it be closer to 7?) and EC of 0.018. Stirred firmly for quite a bit and let it rest for 2 hours. Filtered the liquid.

Chocolate like in color, EC 0.09 and pH 6.8 - 7.
Sending a cloud of good coco pH vibes your way Groff!!!!:smokebuds:

And they're feeling it! Thank bro... they seem to have liked yesterday's massive undertaking. Floppy droopy leaves have sprung back up again, despite being almost dead.
No pictures today though. They look like they've been raped out of their lives... Still unsure if NQ1 will make it. Ortega1 is very frail, but fighting
with every molecule of chlorophyll it has.

Assuming that the problem is in fact fixed (what else could it be, right?), what are the consequences to growth/yield? They've certainly stepped back
at least 1-2 weeks, will this hardship affect how they develop in the future? (assuming all goes well from now on?)
who knows see what happens