Indoor Nympho XXX

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Those all look great. Gonna be fun projects going forward. And alot of choices to be made haha. Love it
Those all look great. Gonna be fun projects going forward. And alot of choices to be made haha. Love it
I put this project off long enough. It’s really something that I been wanting to do for a while. There is a lot of work when it comes to creating autos from photos. Especially when you start from seed instead of clones.
The good part is I can go change any parameters.
Flapjacks, terp zomper, buttermilk biscuits, runtz, head locc,
I’m very impressed with the terp zomper. It’s easily the biggest yielder, one of the frostiest, has a nice fruity smell, showing colors. Rock hard buds. It checks all the boxes, but they all do that.
These genetics are true frost monsters.
The only strain not showing this type of frost development is the lvtk. I’m sure it’s just because it’s moving slower and will bring it later on. I had high expectations for the lvtk. I guarantee you that it’s a huge plant, or as they say, “cultivar.” But the terp zomper beats it in every way. But it’s it’s finished, so we will just have to…. What…. Wait…
91 days so about 8wks flowering. Not bad.. I can only imagine if I had these is a larger pot.
Not the not so good part. This humidity has taken its toll on my last Nympho round. I had to toss a lot of it. I should have taken them earlier, but I want to give my seeds time to get right. So it was still worth it to me.
The culprit was not fresh air entering the room. Remember I said I was going to seal it better.. bad move. The environment needs the fresh air entering. Lean from me.
Peace, the Nympho says Fly High!
Hi mate,

Nice looking plants, your girls are as frosty as they come :toke:

To do the photo to auto thing don't you need a huge sample of plants to find the autos. What is your method for doing this on a small scale?

I would love to do this myself but always got put off the idea because I've only got a 4x4.
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@Autofire It’s easier to do than explain. The best thing to do is to keep it simple.
Now that I have my auto/photo crosses, all I have to do is breed any 2 of them together. It can be the same strain or 2 different strains.
It’s this cross that will produce the auto beans. But thats where it can get complicated because only 1 in 4 will auto. So the more that you grow, the more autos you will produce at one time. Numerically, of course.
So next you can stuff as many of the beans from the 2 photos/auto cross as you can handle in a 4x4. I recommend splitting the amount in half and staggering them by 2-3 wks. This way you can breed immediately and not have to wait on the next round.
Also will need a place to finish the ones that do not auto.
Where there is a will, there is a way brother. Just go for it. There are many here that can help you out at anytime.
Here is a pics of the animal cookies and the taken. Down sangria cookies. Like I mentioned earlier, the lvtk is the only one not on par. It appears to be much hungrier and more light greedy than the other. Or in my case, starved. It’s a huge plant if that’s their goal. But the terp zomper is on par and much quicker.


The hardness of the bud is vast different from autos. These things are truly like rocks.
Also it will take some training to get them to spread out like most auto flower do naturally.
There is going to be some give and take when combined with the Nympho. Where the Nympho is generally bushy, the crosses may remove some of that. Which can be good to open her up. But also the Nympho can add to the amount of bud they produce per stem. I welcome the adventure.
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Gorgeous. What are you getting for smells of the SC? Based off what I see nympho will bulk these up. Love the nymphos internodal spacing and stacking
Gorgeous. What are you getting for smells of the SC? Based off what I see nympho will bulk these up. Love the nymphos internodal spacing and stacking
Thank you bro.
The sc is very similar to mephisto strawberry nugget, but without the Afghani kushy smell. You can smell the purple punch / cookies, but not doughy. It has granddaddy purple’s grape candy, cookies, gassy, Vanilla smell. It’s getting very muted as well. You have to smell your fingers or hand after the touching it. I can’t smell much of anything by putting my nose to it. I’m sure that will get better as it dries and cure up some.
The terp zomper and Flapjacks and runtz, are the only ones that still smells like they did at first. The other barely have any smell even when rubbing them. Yikes
Most of the autos that I have grow have much more terps than these photos.
Nympho gen 3 that I pollenated with gen 6 pollen. Chunky even though I took it early. I Frosty af. It looks as if it’s covered in diamonds. Smells like grape candy, sour diesel, skunk, spicy cinnamon. Wow.
They live! I have been collecting some of the photo crossed beans. They are fully developed and look beautiful.

I’ll get the photo crosses started soon after I collect a few more supplies. The Nympho in these crosses will take them to a new level of potency and terps. It’s time to build Frankenstein’s monster. Rest assured that there will be some Jekyll and Hyde as well as some wolfman in the mix. This will be my monster collection. I digressed. Stay tuned, the photo game is about to get creepy.
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