Indoor Nute Burn or Nitrogen Problem?!?!

Muddy says he uses sulfur in powder or pellet type that you can crush up if needed. You can find it at garden centers and other places like that. Not sure what your area is but if you have a Tractor Supply Co. they have it. Otherwise, for your situation now you can ph your feed water a little lower so it will bring it down. I didn't see if you are ph'ing your water or not.
How can you lower ph in your water? Until i sstart to feed nute water I have a a gallon mixed with cal/mag sup and blackstrip molasses, would that help ph
No. It shouldn't need either of those right now anyway. And the cal/mag will take care of the molasses. You need ph upa dn down to regulate your ph. I'd like some more info on your grow if you don't mind.

>What kind of water are you using?

>What kind of nutrients?


>Other random gear and gadgets that help along the way? Like what are you using to check your ph?

>How old are they?

Sorry if I missed anything.
When you say the cal/mag will take care of the molasses, are you saying theres no need for a added molasses if you're already using a cal/mag sup? I'm using gallon jugs of spring water from walmart. Nutrients are Sea Grow but havent applied any yet. Lights are CFLs, (4) 85w 3300k and (1) 250w 2700k, however, I've only been using 2 of the 85w bulbs at this point. I'll kick them all on when they start flowering. I have a set of server rack fans for air circulation. To check ph i use some cheap tester i got off ebay
hopefully its working right lol. Soil in solo cups are 50/50 FFOF/FFLW. They're 8 days old today.
Molasses is a carbohydrate, sugar. Used in later flowering usually. BUT, with that being said. It is also used for a calcium supplement. It also has magnesium, but some people use epsom salt for that. Thus combining the two for a home-made cal/mag. See what I mean? But at eight days old your seedling should only be getting plain ph'd water.

That water is fine. Nutes are said to be great. I don't have a lot of experience with cfl but it seems like you need warmer colors, like 6400k.
That cheap ph tester is probably screwing you. It isn't recommended to use cheaper units like that, as they have a nact of messing up on you and giving you wrong readings. At the very least you need to get a liquid dropper test kits for your water that you're feeding. I ph my water that I feed with at 6.5.
Hope this helps.
Get PH down at a grow store, or use lemon juice or vinegar,1tsp. per gallon and see if it comes down.
Get PH up at a grow store, or use lemon juice or vinegar,1tsp. per gallon and see if it comes down.

Good shot nam, I forgot to add the 'home remedies' for ph up and down. Apple cider vinegar is good vinegar to use I've heard. To raise the ph you can add more tap water, or whatever you're using for water.
Well my issue appears to be too high of a ph level, what can i use to get it down??
Without having a proper way to test your ph it will be rather difficult. But you can do what namvet said, add a tsp. of vinegar or lemon juice to a gallon of water and use that to water them when they need it. You won't know what the ph is but it might lower it. I suggest investing in a little more gear before starting anything else IMO. I had these same problems.
I ordered a liquid ph test kit the other day. Once I get that Ill be much better off i think.