New Grower NugNoob's - First Grow Adventure! AK-47's

Serious detailed intro. Very useful, read every bit. That short clip of the seedling opening...awseome. reps coming your way.
I'm not surprised your exhaust, even reduced, is exceeding your needs. If temps and RH are good, let's be happy.

Good luck, my new friend!

Hey thanks for the rep bro! Thanks for reading! I have an Excel spreadsheet that could bore you for days to come, every little details I can think of goes in there with approx. time stamps throughout the day. Will probably make a grow diary on their site as well. Hope to see you around friend!


I'm going to stick around if you don't mind I'm loving the seedling time lapse clip, I hope there's more of those to come. You seem like you've done your research and know your stuff, maybe I'll be able to pick up a few tips, I'm also new to this, I've got my current first grow on here.

Hey man! I've seen your grow, I think I've even replied to it! Good to see you again. Stop by and stick around anytime brother. Learned everything here, AFN [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] place to pick up all tips and tricks with the autos! :smoking:
Dont worry about a sponsor!! Hang out ,grow an awesome plant,win a bom,and you will get on the cannazone test team!! Why get stuck testing one brand of gear?? Anyway,youll do great.. You'll get lots of help too,an entire community if you need..

Oh don't get me wrong man, I'm in this for the experience and the buds plain and simple! Not looking for any other reward than at least one bowl to smoke that I can truly say I carried from start to finish.
Well...mostly carried on the backs of you fine AFN people! :thanks:
Howdy Noob! :pass:

Oh, sorry. Yeah, I kinda found @budelee 's invite in the hall and it got me past the dude at the door :woohoo: so I figured there's always room for one more. Right?

Anyways. Good start! Pic's n' stuff. A li'l video. I'm in! :cheers:

I may not be the go to guy for advice (1st grow myself) on how to grow these show winning beauties but I've got experience in what NOT to do AND I've become somewhat experienced in "recovery" from various "ailments" usually attributed to "user error". I've also become professional at "Don't panic." if you're ever in that situation. :bighug:

Oh don't get me wrong man, I'm in this for the experience and the buds plain and simple! Not looking for any other reward than at least one bowl to smoke that I can truly say I carried from start to finish.
Well...mostly carried on the backs of you fine AFN people! :thanks:

Psshhh.. We're here to show them how it's done :headbang: ...

Eventually. :crying:
Howdy Noob! :pass:

Oh, sorry. Yeah, I kinda found @budelee 's invite in the hall and it got me past the dude at the door :woohoo: so I figured there's always room for one more. Right?

Anyways. Good start! Pic's n' stuff. A li'l video. I'm in! :cheers:

I may not be the go to guy for advice (1st grow myself) on how to grow these show winning beauties but I've got experience in what NOT to do AND I've become somewhat experienced in "recovery" from various "ailments" usually attributed to "user error". I've also become professional at "Don't panic." if you're ever in that situation. :bighug:

Psshhh.. We're here to show them how it's done :headbang: ...

Eventually. :crying:
You guys will be hauling large bags over yer shoulders in no time
Oh don't get me wrong man, I'm in this for the experience and the buds plain and simple! Not looking for any other reward than at least one bowl to smoke that I can truly say I carried from start to finish.
Well...mostly carried on the backs of you fine AFN people! :thanks: