Outdoor Northern Lights Autoflower Outdoor

Aug 20, 2016
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Hey this is my 2nd grow, I'm using Canuk Northern Lights Auto Feminized Seeds. 4/4 Germ rate just waiting on first 2 leafs to grow a bit before transplanting into outdoor garden.

Seeds were planted in soil May 26 in the afternoon and germinated by May 28 and were out of the soil on May 29

Here's some pics to start. Probably plant them outside this Friday.

Not really using any special nutrients.... Just Arnts triple mix premium topsoil, Miracle Grow Plant food 12-4-8 (Going to be diluting to about half of what the directions says.) And Pro Mix 9-16-16 (Going to dilute it about half as well). Got these well for parents plants as well... They paid for them haha

First few broke surface (germinated in a window)


Rest broke through that night


Put them outside this morning for some sun (bringing inside in the night until planted outdoors in garden)


Nutes I'm using

And just realized all future pic's I'm going to have to rotate them lol


Just gave them 1/4 of the miracle grow nutes today diluted 1/8tsp into 500ml water for all 3. Hopefully the discoloring goes away lol.
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Third day after breaking from soil. Going to wait for first fake leaves to fully grow then transplant maybe sat/sun. Might be next Wednesday since alot of rain

Weather outside in Ontario around Toronto been crappy this year. Normally its warm already barely gone above 20 most days and some chilly nights Plants probably would have died with amount of rain last 2 weeks
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Third day after breaking from soil. Going to wait for first fake leaves to fully grow then transplant maybe sat/sun. Might be next Wednesday since alot of rain

Weather outside in Ontario around Toronto been crappy this year. Normally its warm already barely gone above 20 most days and some chilly nights Plants probably would have died with amount of rain last 2 weeks

Nice bud...oh pretty much a local! Great to see another canuck on board!! Same crappy cold weather a few hours north of you.

Gave em another 1/2 dose today hopefully get some of the green colour back.... already Deficient in something lol.... Second set of leaves coming in once those are bigger probably transplant into the ground.


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Stoked managed to make the color come back sexy green... took 1/8tsp of miracle grow and 1/10 tsp pro mix in a 500ml bottle distributed around half the bottle between the 4 plants this afternoon around 2pm and colour came back around 8pm. Still playing around with nute doses as this isnt the ideal fertilizer but it does seem to be working despite negativity abouy MG... Maybe some stoners just arent good at fractions lol?


The 2 that look like they have nute burn I actually think its sun bleach/burn from me fucking up the sprouting stage and forced 2 outta soil before fully opened? Pretty sure its grower mistake not genetics as the other 2 leaves are beauty


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Heres some updated pics, put them in the ground 2 days ago, starting to grow pretty fast now, prob next week once true leaves be growing like a weed :)

and theres 1 more in a pot that just germinated today. Threw a seed into the garden by accident and 3 weeks later a sprout appeared so took it out and potted it as no room in garden, looks eaten by bugs so far lol but we'll see how it does in a few weeks


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