Outdoor Northern Lights Auto Mini Forest

Stumbled on an abandoned sand pit with 12" of topsoil. This was flooded in April. I had to walk in because the atv couldn't make it and had to winch out before I even got close. No road or trail in or out.
25 photos are going in.
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Next year I'll drop 500 seed bombs in there.

Ooh yeah!!
I read your first lines, and thought, why only 25?!?!
Then I read your last line, hee hee!!
Hope all is going well on your multiple patches, amigo!
My first batch (50 NL Autos) are in flower and it's not even June! :cools:
Ooh yeah!!
I read your first lines, and thought, why only 25?!?!
Then I read your last line, hee hee!!
Hope all is going well on your multiple patches, amigo!
I don't know how they'll do in there. If they perform this year, I'll spread fertilizer on it and fill it to the brim next year.
Time for an update.
Had a dozen or so NL Autos left over so I planted these behind my shed as the control group with proper feeding and to know how those in the field should look like. This way I can tend them accordingly.

I've made my peace with ticks. Ignore them, work, get home, strip, shower or jump in the pool. Peace.

8 weeks
Height: 2.5-3 feet tall. (untopped)
Direct sunlight: 5am - 3pm (then it's shade from the shed)



I do have two that are little rogues and expressing their own phenotype in grand, or should I say diminutive fashion at a whopping 10-12 inches tall, flowered at about day 21 from seed, and only one single cola. No branching. (I've seeded them)


Well They're Autos at least. But definitely not NL Auto Fem.
7' tall and Regular seeds. I culled a dozen males at each site.

I had to stake one because it was falling over (with a Canadian Stake)


I don't know what they are, but I've seeded this bunch.
(2 weeks ago)
Well.... it's been a year and a half since I posted this. I had 800 in the ground this year. A few things happened. Some good, some bad.
The good: Everyone loves the smoke. lol
Not so good: I pulled half the plants because they were male, but missed a few late males, so a 400 plant grow went to seed.
The upside: I have a mountain of seed to sell. lol

This Northern Lights is so different than the typical NL that I had to rename it. Enter Boreal Lights Super Autos, a Northern Lights throwback to it's Thai ancestor. I thought I'd keep some small by planting a couple hundred in a small 8x8 plot, but that just encouraged them to race for the sun.
The person in the pic is 5'11" tall.

I also had someone put them in 3 gallon pots with only 2 gallons of soil. The one on the far left is just over 6 feet tall.

Not bad for an auto. Harvest time was mid to end of August.

Up up and away! lol