New Grower Northern Lights auto. First Grow. Aerogarden

Looks good

Can’t answer your question but love the setup, AFN has a section for micro growing and you might find some people that are much more capable of answering questions regarding smaller grows,

Not trying to tell you to go somewhere else, it might be easier if we were all in the same section. But if you pop into that sub forum you might find some folks that could give you some great insight and then tag them in your grow to follow along. A lot of folks don’t actually browse all the grows so your exposure might be limited to only new growers here in this forum.

I’ve always admired the micro grow but they can be intimidating. I’ll be watching along and can’t wait to see how it turns out.

Looks good

Can’t answer your question but love the setup, AFN has a section for micro growing and you might find some people that are much more capable of answering questions regarding smaller grows,

Not trying to tell you to go somewhere else, it might be easier if we were all in the same section. But if you pop into that sub forum you might find some folks that could give you some great insight and then tag them in your grow to follow along. A lot of folks don’t actually browse all the grows so your exposure might be limited to only new growers here in this forum.

I’ve always admired the micro grow but they can be intimidating. I’ll be watching along and can’t wait to see how it turns out.

I’m very new to this site and to be honest manoeuvring around and learning how to use the forum has been a little difficult lol. At this point I consider myself lucky to even know how to post and reply ha ha
:rofl: yup, this their "explozion" period & they'll slow a bit once preflower hitz, so -> p a t i e n c e grasshopper...ette :coffee: ppp
On average when can I expect them to flower? How do I know they are in flowering stage so I can switch my nutes at the appropriate time? How long after they start to flower should they be harvested? I’m full of questions at this point lol. Being completely “green” (pardon the pun lol) at this growing thing leads to a lot of questions and research. I swear I have worn out google with all my searches ha ha!
As long as your lighting is sufficient you should begin to see pre flowers by your fourth week. I don’t start my flower nutrients until full flower has started. Just keep adding pictures to your posts and folks can give better advice. My advice would be to feed the plant you have not the schedule you want.

On average when can I expect them to flower? How do I know they are in flowering stage so I can switch my nutes at the appropriate time? How long after they start to flower should they be harvested? I’m full of questions at this point lol. Being completely “green” (pardon the pun lol) at this growing thing leads to a lot of questions and research. I swear I have worn out google with all my searches ha ha!

hey, we were all "green" at one time, and ques'z & research is what afn is all about, so never be afraid to ask anything ;) now, me dunno bout the micro side of thingz, but "on average", an auto will start to preflower around a month along, sometimez the 5th week if it'z a "long" plant (like me own pers fave, good ol' NL :rofl:)...when the new growth startz pushin out pistilz as well as leavez, that'z preflower stage, and time to start slowly dialin back the veg nutez & givin a lil more bloom...and again, "on average", harvest is around 80-90 dayz, depending on strain, with some ready sooner & some longer (like good ol' NL :rofl:) hope this helpz a little at least :smoking: ppp
I’m very new to this site and to be honest manoeuvring around and learning how to use the forum has been a little difficult lol. At this point I consider myself lucky to even know how to post and reply ha ha

Yeah, this is the best camna community anywhere, but the forums are the worst lol.

Your plants look really healthy, just be prepared for more height. Whatever you're doing is obviously working.

I would caution you about one thing though - aluminum foil. Water, electricity and aluminum foil are not a great combination. For your next grow you might be better off with just the white foam.

Keep up the good work and keep asking questions
Yeah, this is the best camna community anywhere, but the forums are the worst lol.

Your plants look really healthy, just be prepared for more height. Whatever you're doing is obviously working.

I would caution you about one thing though - aluminum foil. Water, electricity and aluminum foil are not a great combination. For your next grow you might be better off with just the white foam.

Keep up the good work and keep asking questions

I already have a grow tent in my shopping cart lol. Do you know anything about SCROG? I saw a post regarding a mini SCROG being used on an aerogarden like mine. I’m wondering how high/low I should position it as well as how safe it is to prune the bottom leaves of the plant cause I have read up on it but there seems to be a controversy regarding pruning autoflowers.
Looks good

Can’t answer your question but love the setup, AFN has a section for micro growing and you might find some people that are much more capable of answering questions regarding smaller grows,

Not trying to tell you to go somewhere else, it might be easier if we were all in the same section. But if you pop into that sub forum you might find some folks that could give you some great insight and then tag them in your grow to follow along. A lot of folks don’t actually browse all the grows so your exposure might be limited to only new growers here in this forum.

I’ve always admired the micro grow but they can be intimidating. I’ll be watching along and can’t wait to see how it turns out.


I took your advice and posted there as well. I think I did it properly lol.