New Grower Northern Lights auto. First Grow. Aerogarden

I’ll post pics Of buds after I hack those girls Down. According to my research wet trim is easier and buds look nicer but.....dry trim is better even though it’s more time consuming due to sugar leaves stuck to the buds??? Dry trim allows the sugar leaves to curl towards buds during drying process which in turn deposits a lot of it’s cannabinoids onto the bud and the fact that it allows the buds to dry at a slower pace which aids in reducing the chance of a harsher smoke and Improves flavour. Is this information I’m reading accurate? I would love to hear others input regarding wet vs. dry so I can choose my method when I harvest in a couple days.
any more than 5mins trimming is a pain,wet is by far easier with a good set of pointies :smokeit:
"trichs leaping off sugar leaves onto buds" hmm wizardry withcraft and old wives tales catagory for that one :face:
if ya got very low humidity a dry trim may help :shrug:
a longer dry is better yes (withing reason) a dry trim maybe a real bad thing if natural humidity is very high during the dry/cure.
middle of the road,keep er between the hedges,and dont do anything buck best advice i can give to a beginner :pass:
keep er lit n sideways if ya can
I’ll post pics Of buds after I hack those girls Down. According to my research wet trim is easier and buds look nicer but.....dry trim is better even though it’s more time consuming due to sugar leaves stuck to the buds??? Dry trim allows the sugar leaves to curl towards buds during drying process which in turn deposits a lot of it’s cannabinoids onto the bud and the fact that it allows the buds to dry at a slower pace which aids in reducing the chance of a harsher smoke and Improves flavour. Is this information I’m reading accurate? I would love to hear others input regarding wet vs. dry so I can choose my method when I harvest in a couple days.

well...mebbe...but then again, it'z really all jus 6 o' one, half dozen o' the other, lol :rolleyes2: i mean hell, at the end o' the day, it all getz ground up & tossed in a bowl anyway, sooo...:shrug: :smoking: ppp
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I’ll post pics Of buds after I hack those girls Down. According to my research wet trim is easier and buds look nicer but.....dry trim is better even though it’s more time consuming due to sugar leaves stuck to the buds??? Dry trim allows the sugar leaves to curl towards buds during drying process which in turn deposits a lot of it’s cannabinoids onto the bud and the fact that it allows the buds to dry at a slower pace which aids in reducing the chance of a harsher smoke and Improves flavour. Is this information I’m reading accurate? I would love to hear others input regarding wet vs. dry so I can choose my method when I harvest in a couple days.

Rough wet trim, and depending what it's for and a final dry trim if it's going in a jar.

An ideal cure is long and slow, how that is achieved is open to debate.

An ideal opportunity to try a few methods perhaps since you have clearly put some time into research and see what works for you
:yeahthat: try both, see what you like / what works for you, nothing's stopping you from doing a couple nugs,multiple different ways

I'm a wet trimmer myself, too humid around here, I attempted dry trimming on half a plant and did not like it, took twice as long to dry, which for me meant three weeks :goodluck:
any more than 5mins trimming is a pain,wet is by far easier with a good set of pointies :smokeit:
"trichs leaping off sugar leaves onto buds" hmm wizardry withcraft and old wives tales catagory for that one :face:
if ya got very low humidity a dry trim may help :shrug:
a longer dry is better yes (withing reason) a dry trim maybe a real bad thing if natural humidity is very high during the dry/cure.
middle of the road,keep er between the hedges,and dont do anything buck best advice i can give to a beginner :pass:
keep er lit n sideways if ya can
I’m in northern Alberta and it’s very dry here. I go through 3 litres of water a day in my humidifier just to maintain a 40-50 humidity. I think I should try both ways for the experience aspect and decide which if either is better and stick with that way. I bet my trichs will leap when I experiment with a dry trim lol..... ABRACADABRA:poof:.... and they are all on my buds:holymoly:
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I dry trim after hanging my branches for 7 days or so. Until a decent sized stem has some snap to it when broken. I put the buds in canning jars and burp the jars twice a day for a week to two weeks, or until the humidity reading in the jars is around 50 to 60% and stabilized. Jut my preference though. :peace:
well...mebbe...but then again, it'z really all jus 6 o' one, half dozen o' the other, lol :rolleyes2: i mean hell, at the end o' the day, it all getz ground up & tossed in a bowl anyway, sooo...:shrug: :smoking: ppp
Yes Sir it does but I’m a very particular person who wants things just right....:pighug: You know how woman are:rolleyes2:
Rough wet trim, and depending what it's for and a final dry trim if it's going in a jar.

An ideal cure is long and slow, how that is achieved is open to debate.

An ideal opportunity to try a few methods perhaps since you have clearly put some time into research and see what works for you
Yes indeed. I like the experience aspect of things so I will try both.