You and your dad did an amazing job, thank you!

well the dimmer works,and i figure when i get my pots all ready to go ill go half power of slightly less right above them a foot and as they get taller over the weeks until roughly week 3 or so it'll get slowly raised and the dimmer will go down, meaning the lumens will go up :D

thanks @Northern Grow lights
LOL! Its ok I thought it wasn't due to ship until today anyway. Thank you for replying though!


I apologize for the delay. These new CLU058 Heatsinks just got here last week.

Design 4 - Citizen CLU048 1825- Glass lens
4x SST120 Pin Heatsink
4x Glass lens
4x Citizen CLU058 1825
4x BJB holder
Choice of 80 CRI in 3000K, 3500K, 4000K OR 90 CRI in 3500K