I dont use the cups. It gives a wider spread of light .
This is such a debatable subject. Cups!

The reason I didn't like the cups was from what Elvis is experiencing. Not that they could be used in all situations but the bjb holders completely eliminate the light leak issue even with reflectors installed. Ideal holders are ideally crap. They work and are the only option in higher voltage situations though. With the bjb they have a small reflector built in and I honestly think that alone is enough to divert most stray wide angle light.

There was some testing done and I believe the cups take away as much as 10% of the total light output which is the ppf, without cups it decrease the total ppfd since light is now bouncing across walls. So either you lose light initially or you lose it eventually, that's reflectors vs no reflectors lol

Something else to think about is without the reflectors the plants get an even layer of light. With the cups the wide cob angle cob beam bounces off the sides of the reflector like it's supposed to but sort of scatters around the light and makes it more uneven across the plant.

Elvis I love your light bro. It seems like the most solid built piece going
It's crazy to see how far LEDs keep advancing.. I remember when those junky UFO LEDs and Blackstars were popular.

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lol your absolutely right. Part of the current problem I see is most companies still use these leds in their panels. Think about this and it will make perfect sense. The UFO light and black stars never listed their LED brand used. Not many companies now do. It's not because they are trying to hide a trade secret it's because they are using the cheapest diodes possible. If they stretch it to Cree it's plastered on every page of advertising.

This is what got me so deep into DIY. Lots of corvettes out there with hundai engines. With DIY you can put your corvette engine in anything you want. They can keep their fancy 5 page advertisements without the single mention of the most important aspect of the light. The leds used and they can keep their remotes and fancy features.

Wrong place for a rant. It's life. Lol
I thought i saw in a gromau video without the reflectors it was 110 deg spread on the lights vs 90 with. He did a whole video on reflector types and their output patterns
Been meaning to update this I have 8 plants under the light currently 3 are on day 30 the other 3 are on day 20 ish and 2 are on day 6 here are some shots of them
I'd build you one all needed is one driver and a couple pieces of aluminum angle, probably take me 45 min. including wiring. I'm going to put just one in my 2.75'x2.75'x5' tent running at 100 watts
This sounds perfect!!! Will you be doing a journal specifically with it? I'd really like to see how it compares to the led's I'm using now. (Both are "100w" models.)
Yes I will be doing a one board grow and a multi-board! I just got some needed [parts today, potentiometers, Wago connectors, etc. Hopefully will have the board running in a few days!

This sounds perfect!!! Will you be doing a journal specifically with it? I'd really like to see how it compares to the led's I'm using now. (Both are "100w" models.)
Yes I will be doing a one board grow and a multi-board! I just got some needed [parts today, potentiometers, Wago connectors, etc. Hopefully will have the board running in a few days!
Is there somewhere that lists everything that you need parts wise? I've heard of some of this stuff, but still trying to learn more about what's what and what it does. My electrical knowledge kinda sucks...but I can design and build something. Sorry to be a bother right in the middle of everyone's grow lol! Might as well say what's up Ripper, E.O.F. and Big Smo!