UPDATE: Temps 76F and the Humidity is stable at 58%. distance is at 20 inches.raised it slightly earlier this morning since I think that the tops are less green thatn my normal so i raised them back to 20 or 21 inches instead of letting them grow too the light :)

I have a new roots tea brewing at less than half strength so should do nicely with the mild life tea mixture i have brewing. feeding tomorrow morning or mid afternoon'ish or there abouts :D

and the three seedlings i also have under the light for starters,not associated with this grow really but they are under the light ,sooo just a different seedling perspective at a different distance along with a more intense power used. so far so good,i hope i dont shock em small.but ill re do em if i do. but they'll be getting moved soon. Be well all and Thanks again :)

Update: Week 2

Dinafen Fruit seedlings are looking very healthy and loving the light. One never made it so I planted the last seed, and she just sprouted in the last couple hours. I have the light running at 1000ma now and will leave it till they get big enough to take more efficiently. I water with RO water plus 20% tap water and 90-120ppm Mendocino Cal Mag from Grow More. I've tried many, this is the most stable in RO water I've found. It is a bit more concetrated than most also, a bottle last longer than any other I've used, and I make a lot of water.

As soon as the leaves are as wide as the pot, I'll transplant to the auto pots.


I expected 3 -4 days till they were ready to transplant...nope! They were ready yesaterday! They have exploded! Fastest I've seen my seedling grow ever! I transplanted them this morning. I had a bit of a failure too........ my fault, I forgot to water the seedling pots before removing them. When you have high coco mix, it will only hold together wet. So I badly damaged one plant, we'll see if she recovers!

I left the Ducksfoot in with them for now, she's certainly enjoying the light! She looks very healthy.

Fruit plant1 -10-21-2016.jpg
fruit plant2 -10-21-2016.jpg
Fruit plant3 -10-21-2016.jpg
fruit plant4 -10-21-2016.jpg
ducksfoot momma pic1 -10-21-2016.jpg
Temps are right at 79F

RH is at 68% and the distance is right around 20 inches.i'll re set it in the morning.i moved it up a small bit,i'll also turn it back up to 3/4 of full power soon.just watching the behaviors of the plants. they love this light so far.JUST LIKE ME :D getting big a few of them,ok well two,bt one is doing excellent. i have been taking leaves so she looks a LOT smaller than she is and Im sorry I didnt get any pics prior but I was baked and in garden mode at the time LOL :D but Im really happy with the even colors and performance of the genetics thus far. no splotching ,discoloration or lightening of the tops of leaves. I want to watch to see how aggressively and/or fully or MORE overall that the lower stalks get pull up and out from this light. hence the full power prolly. so we'll see.should have a beautiful shape to them assuming the fill out in flower some :) Thanks guys.looking forward to next update.

A few sexed today.
