Outdoor North of the Arctic Circle Greenhouse grow

nice. I would make a good base and run them in ground next year. its not so easy to get the stuff you need where you are at, if you have sand its great for clay, but your plants should be even better then they are now.
You shit looks good and I suspect with a bit of work you can turn a 3 month growing season into a 5 or 6 month.
nice. I would make a good base and run them in ground next year. its not so easy to get the stuff you need where you are at, if you have sand its great for clay, but your plants should be even better then they are now.
You shit looks good and I suspect with a bit of work you can turn a 3 month growing season into a 5 or 6 month.

Hey Hank. The issue with growing directly in the ground is that it takes so long for the soil to warm up, but the greenhouse might warm it soon enough, I'll run a test next season. Always have wanted to grow direct, maybe.
nice. I would make a good base and run them in ground next year. its not so easy to get the stuff you need where you are at, if you have sand its great for clay, but your plants should be even better then they are now.
You shit looks good and I suspect with a bit of work you can turn a 3 month growing season into a 5 or 6 month.

thanks for the comment Hank.
Longer growing season would be nice, what I'm up against, in spring waiting on 10' to 15' snow drifts to melt, and in the fall (Sept) the light is going away, getting weaker by the day. I will try starting super autos inside and setting them out about 1 month old, see if I can boost production.
Hey Trailanimal if you made a big blackout cover you could force flower photo plants n that space ? Having to be there at the same time everyday would be a pain in the ass but i bet it would be one for the record books !
Hey Trailanimal if you made a big blackout cover you could force flower photo plants n that space ? Having to be there at the same time everyday would be a pain in the ass but i bet it would be one for the record books !

Hey Maffro, used to grow that way. As you said lots of work, like milking a cow, twice a day same times, and in the fall when we get a big ass storm dealing with the night cover when the wind is kick'in up at 40mph is, well, a bummer. Went to autos to simplify, and more natural gardening. Over time and learning I should be able to get production close to my expectations.
If you build your ground it should heat up quick. a sealed greenhouse will help a lot.
If you wanted to get crazy you could look at putting piping underground. Pump water threw them. It will help regulate temp a lot.
You can dig down 4-8 feet and put a thermal barrier around. This should help slow or stop the freezing of the ground.

Lots of things you can do that would make it a bad ass North of the circle greenhouse!

Seems you have a handle on things with the autos outdoors.

What is the warmest it got this year? How much daylight do you have now?
If you build your ground it should heat up quick. a sealed greenhouse will help a lot.
If you wanted to get crazy you could look at putting piping underground. Pump water threw them. It will help regulate temp a lot.
You can dig down 4-8 feet and put a thermal barrier around. This should help slow or stop the freezing of the ground.

Lots of things you can do that would make it a bad ass North of the circle greenhouse!

Seems you have a handle on things with the autos outdoors.

What is the warmest it got this year? How much daylight do you have now?

Hank, under ground water pipes would work primo. I'm going to prepare a spot for 1 plant in the soil for next season, see how it does. Mix garden soil and compost in the native soil, have to check ph, native soil here is acid.

86 degrees was max so far. Anything above 70 is hot to us. Still 24 hrs of light, although the early am shadow from the mts is getting longer. Still getting 10 hrs direct sun a day on greenhouse.