Outdoor North east Ontario auto grow

Some more pics I am cutting a tree down it has grown a little to much need more sun


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Looking great dude :thumbs:

Can't wait to see these pack some budz on
A little secret i throw miracle grow on the surrounding area it greens everything up hard to tell the weed from the plants around them
I had a full blown magnum MALE out of ten one never popped two were stunted and now a male a good thing i bought ten. I will show a pic of it tomorrow my camera is dead I need new batteries. I should have ordered more autos from DP but I deviated and paid the price
I stopped looking at them closely a couple of weeks a go just get in get out and bam there he was in all his dingalball glory but still inmature i pulled it.
Here some pictures of my plants I am sorry but my TTXNL are photo Bummer I was really hoping for them to be a auto because some started to show preflowering under 24 hours of light and were done the third week of august last year and i put them out late But now that i am growing a proper super auto side by side this year the ttxnl are just photo oh well here's to trying. I did a stupid thing too killing off the magnum male. I don't know what i was thinking other than i did not want my whole patch full of seed and I was hoping for a ttxnl male my mind was numb the day I yanked the Magnum Male I could have taken a TD and Magnum female and made copuois amounts of seeds oh well shite happens :no:


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not sure if anyone has mentioned this to you or not , but photo plants do throw pistils/pre flowers once sexually mature , even pure sativas have all done so for me within 6 weeks , and under 24 hr lighting

not to say your TT X NL arent showing auto traits , but none of mine ever did , have you asked MJ from peak seeds if he has seen or heard of any autoing ?


edit, oops sorry , posted that before seeing your latest post
You know MJ cool I have been buying beans off of him and getting some freebies too over the years. When I told him how happy I was with the taxada timewarp x skunk and I wanted more he said he was not using the same taxada genes but had some northernlights with that taxada in it so I gave them a try he gave me half of what he had left at first they showed preflowering under 24 but are not growing the same as the tt x skunk grew oh well its all good. I also have heard of some taxada timewarp with rudiralis in it so i was hoping maybe.
i remember rumors people were trying to claim taxada timewarp had ruderalis in it , never seen nor heard of any proof produced though

if it in fact does , im sure someone will share an auto version soon enough due to the auto gene taking over after a few inbreeding f-generations

gave away the last of mine or i would have done some inbreeding to see


What played a huge roll in me thinking that. Was a grow video journal from out west in it the guy says he has tt with ruderalis in it. I am just happy DP has developed autos TD should become a staple in everybodies outdoor garden. HERE is some pics


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