I had a very good day today , Got my cold smoker done . It is a smaller one for little amounts . All up cost $54 . The cabinet is a old stainless steel dishwasher , just the right size .
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Here is the plumbing

I already had the cold smoker unit . The top part is the chamber .Has a hole in the bottom for smoke to get in
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Had it done by lunch time and I have been wanting to do smoked prawns , I just happened to have a box of green prawns . Mate owes a prawn boat so I swapped so weed for them . --- Peeled and deveined --- After about 2 1/2 hours they had enough smoke . -- still raw --
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Now , what to do with them .

Yes I do creamy garlic prawns thats what

I have never made it before , so a quick goggle to see what the go is and here we have it , The prawns infused the smoke into the sauce while they where cooking , which I did at the end .
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Next time I do it I will add fish as well . I git heaps of fish as well
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Made a bit to much sauce , but that was ok ,