Here ya go @Waira I will be starting on the garden bed at the end of this month , bit boggy at the moment
I have culled a lot of the desert roses out and there will be more , it is root structure I am after . The fig is going great . This year I will be down sizing the veggie patch as my eldest boy will be out bush most of the year , Which is good because I have a hell of a lot of things to do at work . Room bookings at work are massive due to cov19 and a lot more internal holiday travel . Plus I help maintenance with updates to rooms ect . And I started some new large garden beds . I am pushing to get another person to help that can work between both departments , There is 2 -1/2 of us at the moment and we are all over 45 , We have tried some younger blokes , but they can't handle it . We give them a weeks trial to see how they go , but they find it to hard . Lot of princes out there