Indoor NL Auto-1-plant-grow transition to AutoCob and MegaCrop.

Nice job on the bondage!

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I checked on her this morning and I cannot believe how she's sprung back! Just over night.

Day 33:
After tying her down yesterday I gave her 1/3 gallon of water with no nutes.

This morning she needed another 1/3 gallon so I fed her 1/2 strength nute water.

Light: 16" above canopy
PH: 6.7
Temp: 77 deg F
Humidity: 45%
So after a slow start my plant seems to be doing fine. I believe that I'm in "preflower" stage.
I don't see any signs of nute-burn or anything like that and at the present time, I'm giving 1/2 the recommended nutes. I'm running an Octopot (fabric pot in a reservoir that wicks water from the bottom up. They recommend 1/2 nutes because of how this thing works.)

I'm wondering if increasing the nutes to 3/4 or full strength would be a good idea? I can't help wondering if I'm missing something..if things would be even better with more nutes. (or is that a typical noob-mistake-thinking)?

What would you do?
Thank you sir!

Can i ask...I'm planning on one more plant in this tent; 36" wide x 20" deep x 60" tall. Should I get another Autocob or is one good enough for two plants?
Probably snatch up another one...You gunna need it once you start buying all them seeds,new tent,take over the guest room...etc(its very addicting!!!)
So after a slow start my plant seems to be doing fine. I believe that I'm in "preflower" stage.
I don't see any signs of nute-burn or anything like that and at the present time, I'm giving 1/2 the recommended nutes. I'm running an Octopot (fabric pot in a reservoir that wicks water from the bottom up. They recommend 1/2 nutes because of how this thing works.)

I'm wondering if increasing the nutes to 3/4 or full strength would be a good idea? I can't help wondering if I'm missing something..if things would be even better with more nutes. (or is that a typical noob-mistake-thinking)?

What would you do?
That’s what I did and suffered the consequences!!! But that’s not always the case!!!
I’m not familiar with the system your using with the nutes... but you can always try to bump it up minimally,she how she takes it and go from there...Me I tried to go big and killed tons of fan leafs in the process-no bueno!!!
Question for all you experienced growers: She is growing by leaps and bounds. She's even exceeding the tie down I put on her just a few days ago by a couple of inches.
However there is one thing I noticed: the tips of the newest growth are lighter in color than the rest of the leaves; they are yellowish. Is this something to be worried about?
I want to be pro-active.
I started her in lower humidity after the pre-flower so she's been drinking a LOT more water from the reservoir; about 1/3 gallon a day.
The water that I'm adding is 75% nute amount (Megacrop, Sweet Candy, CalMag) so in a reservoir that holds 5 gallons, I'm adding 1/3 of a gallon a day so every time I add water she's creeping up to full strength nutes.

I'm thinking that if there is an issue, that's it. Nute burn. As I said before, the Octopot directions say that since there is no runoff, that the water doesn't go away, then 1/2 strength nutes are what should be used. I'm thinking maybe just start adding PH water to lighten the nute strength.

Can anyone help?

The tips are circled in white. They are the tallest, newest growth.
PS: The light was 15" above them, because of the growth, they got a little close. I backed it off to 18" again.

EDITED TO ADD: After typing this out, and looking at nute-burn pictures online, and realizing that I was effectively at full strength nutes after adding a couple of gallons of nute water, (and that octopot warns against this) I theorized that yes, its nute burn so I removed 2.5 gallons from the reservoir and replaced it with just plain PH water...that effectively returned the water to 1/2 strength again. I'll let her ride with that for a few days and see what happens.

Let me know if that was a bone-head move or not...please.

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Looks ok to me, leaves are praying up. They are a tad dark, a problem I am facing right now, so a lightening of nutes may not be a bad idea.

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