Mephisto Genetics Nizmo's mephisto wonderland

Just paid for a Mars 300 old style fuck it I couldn't wait almost a month just to receive another light. But I'm happy with the purchase and my plant will enjoy that light in a week :)..
Is this a deficiency or lack of light?


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Day 58 Hubbabubbasmelloscope
Should I do a water and mammoth P only and then next watering feed? Or just feed her like usual every watering?
For those who aren't following my nutrients are nectar for the gods minus Herculean harvest that's gone, and fox farms big bloom supposed to be organic, some armor si silica.

Well onto the pictures, she's smells so good when rubbed the right way ;). She also started to get fatter and denser, I can't wait for my Mars 300 to arrive she's going to love it.
First pic is the main top
Herculean Harvest is the cornerstone or keystone for the line. If you were to feed with Bloom Khaos you'd definitely want Herculean Harvest because the plant will just eat the hell out of calcium. They still have a bit to go, do you plan on getting more Herculean Harvest? If so do the water with Mammoth P. If not you'll have to figure out a way to replace Herculean Harvest with other nutes.
I will order but still a week or two till I do. I still haven't added bloom khaos just cuz I have no Herculean. But hopefully with big bloom and mammoth P it should suffice for the end of the grow. Might be wrong but still experimenting

@Vorkosigan thanks for the input man I appreciate it
Woooo :headbang::headbang::vibe::woohoo1::woohoo::cooldance::frog:today my light is out for delivery was expecting it tmrw but just checked tracking.

It arrived like an hour ago so stoked. The built quality looks good I'm happy and it's bright. I just need to find a way to have it at the top of the tent with what was supplied.


Looking great.
@AJrexxx thanks man.
She started to smell super good I can't wait for harvest prolly another 3 or 4 weeks maybe