Indoor Nizmo's earthbox adventure under HLG Blackbird!!

Oh hey another tip from 1 stoner who’s made the mistake..... LIKE 9 DIFF TIMES ALREADY......
But make sure once u fill with soil u put cover on box, cut the hole in cover, and then mark where center is in soil so u know where to plant bean! I can’t tell u how many times I have got it filled a and then carried inside and planted bean and wound up having to try to use a spare box and a tape measure to try to make hole in cover to line up with plant! DOES NOT USUALLY WORK OUT TO WELL! :crying:
Hi everyone. In my prior life as a vegetable gardener in harsh environments, I used to grow tomatoes and peppers in homemade sub-irrigated contraptions called Earthtainers. The instructions for making them are all over the internet. Basically, they were made from either 17 gallon 31 gallon storage totes. The instructions had you use landscape fabric to cover drilled holes to prevent the soil from getting into the reservoir. I’ve also seen a system for sub-irrigated containers using two 5 gallon buckets nested inside each other. I think they were called global buckets or somesuch. Anyway...look ’em up...they’ll give you a few more options for the size of containers that you can use for your grows.
Tmrw Friday I should be getting my soil and worms to start the EB. And as far as strain I think I'm going to wait for the fast buds wedding glue auto. In the case it does take longer than usual ill choose another strain.