Indoor Nirvana Blue Mystic-ShortRyder

I believe all life deserves a fighting chance so instead of yanking this Blue Mystic after it was literally blown back to day one, as I probably should have, I decided to let her try to make a comeback. Shes holding her own but being only a week away from flower, I think she is destined to be a dwarf of epic small size.
If she flowers in proportion to her size she just may end up in a block of epoxy resin as a keepsake to remind me of her fighting spirit and inspire my own personal battle as my condition deteriorates.

Rooting for you both mate!
Great grow and harvest man!!!

I grew the ShortRyder before Nirvana worked out the kinks so I didnt get to enjoy them like you have. My stock didnt AF so I grew them normally and they just didnt show up. Yours are amazzing though...
Rooting for you both mate!

Shes back to green and all though I am a peaceful man I'm always up for another good fight if it needs fighting and will be til I can't. I fight to win and aim on turning it around. Learning here and putting it to practice is like having an a-bomb in my arsenal.
Great grow and harvest man!!!

I grew the ShortRyder before Nirvana worked out the kinks so I didnt get to enjoy them like you have. My stock didnt AF so I grew them normally and they just didnt show up. Yours are amazzing though...

I'm no geneticist so I wont pose that I know much about them. I am learning that the term Phenotype (sp?) explains the many differences in the plants of the same strain. I haven't gotten to the mechanics of that yet. Every one I've run so far has been different from its sister next to it in some way while retaining the basic character of the strain. I like that as every bean still has the potential for surprise.

Some of mine have been better than others but I blame that on my own mishandling in haste, meaning out of meds. A condition now remedied.
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The Nirvana SRs that I planted outdoors last week of May were topped but they still grew to nearly 3 feet tall ... total yield from 3 plants was 1/2 gal of Bud that is the sweetest smelling weed I've ever smelled ... no idea about the high yet ... What is that tan s--t on top of your pot ? Keep up the good work !!
The Nirvana SRs that I planted outdoors last week of May were topped but they still grew to nearly 3 feet tall ... total yield from 3 plants was 1/2 gal of Bud that is the sweetest smelling weed I've ever smelled ... no idea about the high yet ... What is that tan s--t on top of your pot ? Keep up the good work !!

The only natural sand available in my area. Dried out it is fine sugar sand that when wet looks like this. Watering by pouring really moves it around until I get another sprayer. Current one was just used for roundup and I don't trust to use it again until I really clean it well. The sand is supposed to prevent the gnats which seem to be everywhere here lately from laying eggs. I don't know if it works or not but it can't hurt.
Sure glad to hear it's only the top layer ... :Sharing One:
ShortRyder review and smoke report.

I just posted a review at Seed Bank Forum on the most potent plant that I've grown yet.


I got up this AM to find that my 2 - 125w full spectrum tophat cfls suddenly are only putting out half the light as before. Reviews had mentioned this possibility and for the price I well got my moneys worth. We have been having brown outs and electrical storms causing temporary outages but never permanently effecting the lights. They were both bought together and have been running side by side since. I'm wondering if its a cut back in power supply because it seems unlikely they would both go exactly at once and in the same exact amount of loss in brightness.

It has caused stretching in the one thriving plant while the runt and mini runt have stopped reacting all together. With no local supplier I'll have to swap them with the flowering bulbs and hope for the best til I can order in replacements.

I saw a video on a DIY COB LED array that seems like it might be worth while but its going to take a while to order in parts.

Meanwhile, the two runts are going outdoors in the sun and two Shortryders started to replace them in the cab. Having to concentrate both dimmed lights on the most promising plant will only cause big stretch in the small ones.
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Sorry to hear ... Might be time to go to LEDs ... :Passing Wind..: