Indoor Auto Blue Mystic and Chronic Ryder under t5 then cfls

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ive always wanted to try the chronic ryder.. seems like a good auto
Blue Mystic KIA - god damn that budrot

Bad times we have a plant down houston we have a plant down checked the cab this morning to find a few dried ill looking leaves on the blue mystic dig a little deeper and she is fubared from budrot and is gonna get chopped down tonight so this is now a one plant diary. Refitted my mini towerfan to cab to increase the running temps and increase the air movement to try and prevent anything similar happening to the chronic ryder.

Good thing i bought some bubble bags last week so the blue mystic won't be a total waste. Got to decide whether to plant some more or just give it a rest cos the temps at the moment aren't doing the plants any favours and i'm not one for wasting my seeds if i can help it.

Will update later with some pics of the poor blue mystic before she is culled
get that extraction on 24/7 mate
extraction is on 24/7 with 2 80mm pc fans for inlet and 4 inch tt and filter for extraction but i didn't have anything for aircirculation cos the motor heat was pushing my temps up to high when it was hot. The massive drop in temps lately just pushed my humidity over the threshold and killed the the bm.
Gonna try and get a tube heater and thermostat to get the temps up asap because there isn't enough heat to keep the ladies happy. Before i put that mini tower fan back in i was maximing at 15 degrees c over the last 2-3 days.
Bad times but i know how to sort it as soon as i have the cash to do so i'll be laughing. Once i have the heating sorted that cab can run all the time with no problems.
just checked the cab a minute ago and because its not so cold today the temps are at 27.5 with the additional tower fan. Will have to see what the temps are like when the sun goes down think i might have to relocate the cab into the house to keep the temps up for a little while i will be super gutted if i loose the chronic ryder blue mystic not to fussed cos i've sampled that before.
thanks for dropping in agito.
Hey Spoon You must be from Europe or a Canadian cause your listing your temperatures in celcius. Americans just don't do the centigrade scale they are all fairenheit people. My wife just loves Blue Mistic. The last time I tried to get seeds for it there was some problem with the seed stock I think they were not doing the auto thing very well. Do you have new seeds? If you don't mind me asking where did you get them?

just checked the cab a minute ago and because its not so cold today the temps are at 27.5 with the additional tower fan. Will have to see what the temps are like when the sun goes down think i might have to relocate the cab into the house to keep the temps up for a little while i will be super gutted if i loose the chronic ryder blue mystic not to fussed cos i've sampled that before.
thanks for dropping in agito.
Hey nelson my blue mystic seeds are about a year or more old i think they were just before the nirvana non auto problems i had some short riders i bought at the same time which 2 didn't auto out of 5 think i was lucky with this batch don't know if the nirvana issues have been sorted now.

Nice plants agito i see what you mean about the similar structure of them so it must be a common pheno. have had a read through your thread before but i think i'm gonna have a reread.

Sorry bout the non fahrenheit temps doesn't equate in my brain as you say i'm not american think 27.5 is 82 and a few days ago i was struggling to get the temps over 60. So temps today are a lot better.
I have been a bit cheeky and just trimmed away all the rotten areas and put the plant back in the cab to see if she'll pull through hopefully i'll be lucky and still get a little smoke from her. Gonna give her a few days to recover and then start flushing if the temps keep at a sensible level hopefully the chronic will be ready for flush in about a week or two. Thanks for the input everyone happy growing
Got snippy yesterday and finished off the stump of the blue mystic stuck the buds straight in my home made drying box (cardboard box with holes in and 100mm pc fan for airflow) then thats going into my stash for my bubble bags.
I had a total rethink a few days ago and decided to abandon my auto cab for a while until i can afford to get the heater bits. So i have moved the chronic ryder to my tent which is gonna be much better for her final weeks.
The new home consists of a 400w dual spec hid with magnetic ballast, ecotechnics evolution controller and fan heater i have this set up so the minimum temp in the tent is 21c or 70 and the max is 27c or 81 humidity in the tent ranges from 35%-55% so all in all a much better enviroment for her. She's lost 2 hours light a day but will have much more lumens to play with under the 400 instead of cfls.
I will get some pics of her tonight and put them up i checked the trichs with my scope and pretty much all were clear a few cloudy so a good couple of weeks left yet.

I hadn't tried to use the cab in cold weather before so it was due a cockup the last grow in their went far to smoothly so something had to go wrong this time. Might retire it completely for the winter and then give her a complete refit for january. Ditch the cfls for leds and fit a heater and rhino filter instead of a budget one. All takes cash so hopefully i can get the chronic ryder somewhere near finished before i have to switch the tent to 12/12 for the other girls. Then i won't have to buy any weed so i'll have more cash for the refit :)