Outdoor Nightshade in a Raised Bed.

I've got one that's 5 weeks old tomorrow, still in veg. It's been topped twice and is about 7" tall and branching nicely. I'll probably veg it for one more week, then start flowering. I'm real curious to see how it does compared to the outdoor one I had last year. While the buds were big on it, they could have been a little tighter. I think running it under my LEDs should tighten them up. It should be finished around mid Nov.

I think Muddy is going to try growing it indoors. It may be a bit like inviting a gorilla indoors to watch television. But who knows gorillas can be trained and no can Nightshade I guess. I will be sticking to my autos inside. I may try one in a big pot on my balcony next year and give Kalishnikov a rest for a year.
Hey thanks for the guess. If I had to guess it would be double that so I'm going for 12 oz. Any more guesses you guys. There is a new picture of it taken today. My wife will load it into the computer this evening and I will post it.

I wonder how much it will stretch still? I'm guessing a lot.

I've got one that's 5 weeks old tomorrow, still in veg. It's been topped twice and is about 7" tall and branching nicely. I'll probably veg it for one more week, then start flowering. I'm real curious to see how it does compared to the outdoor one I had last year. While the buds were big on it, they could have been a little tighter. I think running it under my LEDs should tighten them up. It should be finished around mid Nov.
I'll reserve my guess till I see the pictures.

Hey thanks for the guess. If I had to guess it would be double that so I'm going for 12 oz. Any more guesses you guys. There is a new picture of it taken today. My wife will load it into the computer this evening and I will post it.
Those Samurai Jacks I grew in there got up to almost 4', so I've got a good bit of room. I'm thinking if I veg it to about 8-9" I should be okay, even if it triples in size.

I wonder how much it will stretch still? I'm guessing a lot.
P9060036.jpgP9060037.jpgP9060038.jpgP9060040.jpgP9060041.jpgWell here is the nightshade photographed with the head of security Niki.
what a beauty and the plant looks good to
He is a great dog. I haven't lost a plant outside for over six years. He can wicked bark and growl and show teeth. He scared a guy away who lost his garbage bags, scissors and cigarettes running for his life.

what a beauty and the plant looks good to
good good good............!!!!! run you thieving basterrrrrd !!!!!!!!