New Grower Nico's Nuggets: Ruderalis the Menace

I wonder if when they do come up with a af category, how will they make sure that the bud the grower brings actually autoflowered, and or is the same bud in a journal.
Hi, take this as I did, it is an opportunity to educate a fellow grower. I dropped him an email and invited him to AFN so he could see for himself what Autos can bring to the grower community. It was a respectful correspondence with the aim of educating. I also have to remain mindful that HT is in the business of selling mags and online ad space, and controversy sells. Part of me wonders how much he's just poking the bear to get a response. That said, he did display his lack of insight with tremendous clarity.
I saw your invitation in the response section nicely worded, you represented the AFN well imho.
Trapper you get an A+ for eloquence, that response was spot on. Kudos.
MAAAN, stupid crap like this just makes me wanna smoke a joint n not smack the crap outta morons like this guys..?lmfao whos this dude giving modern opinions about photos and autos??lmfao!!what an idiot OFG! he actually posted this and got it published?its full of lies and oldschool bias out dated theroies and ideals and truths for a decade a go in autos..WAY TO research a story shitheal lmfao!! this guys a brilliant rain man moron kinda guy..stay with photos tough guy theyre way easier for less serious growers lmfao!! ya know?lmfao dude the old rud has long been bred out from the taste and essential oil profiles.where we are now is where we wanted to be when we first did the crossing and binding of the genes.theyve been matured and fully developed and took time butt dude..again.WAy too research a story with unbiased opinions..lmfao! maan Im just chuckling over this idiots write.Up,,maaan im gonna be the only truth teller in my area?got dang i stand to do well it seems lmfao!!i think I might have short term stupid now from reading that..i think I need to heal up from that painfully stupid article with some high quality Photo strong auto buds that look as good as any ive ever seen..BOOM!!:Sharing One:
Man, I dunno... All the autos I've grown have smelled, and tasted phenomenal. Plus i done got right stoned...

We all know Porn mags lie... I guess bud Porn ones do too

Here's what the argument reminds me of...

0:30 and 1:04 for the main points.


For the foreseeable future, there will be a commercial dominance in store for photos, I think the
problem is that they expected to be the only game in town when legalization hit, but autos swooped
in just in time to take a hefty percentage of the home-grower market that they felt entitled to...
and it pisses them off. So they trash talk it. They wrote it off as a non-threat in the 1990's and are
clinging to that because the reality is too jarring.
I wonder if when they do come up with a af category, how will they make sure that the bud the grower brings actually autoflowered, and or is the same bud in a journal.

Wondering the same thing. I recently read one of the European cups had an auto category but darn it, I cannot remember which one.
Okay High Times ... Here we go


Answer: Wrong. Growing a photoperiod plant is much easier, Autos can get 4 harvests a year, potency of autos is up there with photoperiod (testing at around 20% thc)




Probably around 1000g dry wrong!! in around 80 days Wrong!

:Haha: "Send kisses"

I feel like posting:

"1991 called and wants it's opinion back."

I think it's probably a "Desire for inclusion to an admired group" thing.

It's sycophantic. He wants inclusion into a dialogue with "hero-status" photo growers but he has
no authority in that dialogue so he defers to and emulates other's opinions in order to gain authority.

Yup, stopped reading that rag in 90's, now I remember why....

Hi, take this as I did, it is an opportunity to educate a fellow grower. I dropped him an email and invited him to AFN so he could see for himself what Autos can bring to the grower community. It was a respectful correspondence with the aim of educating. I also have to remain mindful that HT is in the business of selling mags and online ad space, and controversy sells. Part of me wonders how much he's just poking the bear to get a response. That said, he did display his lack of insight with tremendous clarity.

Not smart business pissing people off to sell rags.

Ya know, I doubt I'd be growing again if autos hadn't come along and this forum didn't exist. Waaay bored with photos; and yeah, photos are much easier to grow than a good auto. With a photo I can just let the bitch go till I get the desired size then switch--but to pull off a Tangers grow or Ganjamoto caper, with strains whose budset is biologically triggered and you've either gotten them where you want or you're stuck with midgets, well, that does take some skills--!!
:No: :slaps: :pimphand: ...well, now I know where all the Flat Earth Society members went,... :roflcry: Well, said folks! ....Trap my brudda, that was a first rate B-slapping! And this crystallizes it perfectly-
"1991 called and wants it's opinion back."
-- :WTF: :rofl: ....I'm flabbergasted by the sheer tunnel vision ignorance (possible stupidity too) behind such an assessment by this clown,... volumes of arguments contradicting this on both factual and perceptual levels could be generated, but that aside, even one sideward glance at the big picture should have been enough for him to revise his opinion,... consider how large the market has become for auto's,... this is no fad, passing fancy, or novelty,...incontrovertible fact: many of the largest and/or best Seed companies worldwide are pouring millions of dollars into R&D, and marketing of auto's, to say nothing of the legions of smaller companies getting in on the act,... when I first joined here, I got my beans from Single Seed's, which at that time had 9 pages of choices,.. 2 short years later, it's 21 pages and growing! Now, there are all manner of specialty products geared toward auto growing as well,... All this doesn't happen with companies just following some whimsical fad, cashing in on a temporary trend, not in this industry,... meantime, more scientific testing and verification is building on potency, efficacy, etc.,... that gap is closing rapidly, and while photo's might always have an slight advantage on sheer THC%'s, we all know there's much more to the intoxication effects than just %THC,... the yield gap is closing too, at least for indoors; many auto strains can get as large as is desired for ID growing,...***.... So, it's great to have choices, and pro's and con's come with the territory, but Auto's have found a valid, established niche,... always, there will be fools, haters, old school curmudgeon's, for whom it's hopeless to counter-argue, no matter how glaring the factual objective truth is,...I fear calling them out will only make them flap their arms harder, but for those looking for a challenge,.... :brow: :Cheers:
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