New Grower Nico's Nuggets: Ruderalis the Menace

Im surprised HT gave this response to these questions. :slaps:
Here is the link

What an ignorant fool! But hey, that's how a lot of the garden myths and just plain BS that is rampant in the grow community got started, ie, by someone running their mouth about something they know nothing about! AND, I just hate sites that only let you comment thru facecrook....I'd rather have rotting flesh disease than have a facecrook ( err...facebook ) account! :cuss:
Can I get an application ? I promise I can pull better editorials
out of my ass than this biased nonsense.
I feel like posting:

"1991 called and wants it's opinion back."

I think it's probably a "Desire for inclusion to an admired group" thing.

It's sycophantic. He wants inclusion into a dialogue with "hero-status" photo growers but he has
no authority in that dialogue so he defers to and emulates other's opinions in order to gain authority.
Can't disagree with those you idolize...that would risk being ostracized.

It's unfortunate but ultimately evident truth trumps "old guard" thinking...

I think the real elite photo grower is threatened not only by the "leveling of the playing field" that
autos are exhibiting...the elite photo grower is threatened by legalization. They used to have a
monopoly on running the underworld genetic scene and therefore what people ended up buying
from their dealer. That is all collapsing around them...once yield becomes less of a concern...
(because time frame compensates so effectively and because fewer and fewer grows are considered
a commodity but rather a smaller, personal endeavor) photos and the people who are at the elite
of that realm curry less idolatry and fame. They also used to be kings of a more dangerous hill
and that danger is (slowly) being removed.

So many things to threaten and prod at their identities and egos...

It doesn't excuse it, but I get it.

Well said! :kusht:
What an ignorant fool! But hey, that's how a lot of the garden myths and just plain BS that is rampant in the grow community got started, ie, by someone running their mouth about something they know nothing about! AND, I just hate sites that only let you comment thru facecrook....I'd rather have rotting flesh disease than have a facecrook ( err...facebook ) account! :cuss:

I agree, this idiot is just plain uninformed. Must have had to rush to meet deadline and didn't bother to research anything recent. Tells you something about HT though, doesn't it.
That article sounds like a very dated attitude towards autoflowering cannabis.
Total BS
Kinda sounds like the guy is prejudiced against auto-flowers.
Kinda? You're being nice. And he doesn't seem to like europeans much either. It isn't like european photo strains are contaminaited with ruderalis at all that's just pure BS.
Damn this guy acts like the people did way back when lowryder appeared. Times have changed but this guy had his head stuck in the sand it seems ;)
And of course if auto's where that bad then why are they getting more popular every day ? He'd have done better to inform himself as to why this is.
Hi, take this as I did, it is an opportunity to educate a fellow grower. I dropped him an email and invited him to AFN so he could see for himself what Autos can bring to the grower community. It was a respectful correspondence with the aim of educating. I also have to remain mindful that HT is in the business of selling mags and online ad space, and controversy sells. Part of me wonders how much he's just poking the bear to get a response. That said, he did display his lack of insight with tremendous clarity.
Man I love you guys haha.
Just seems since HT runs the cannabis cup, and is heavily involved in the overall scene. Seems like they should all know where autos are at right now.
Another HT article talked about Smart pots...and he showed Air pots..instead of smart pots...When the dude was clearly asking about smart pots. Smh.

Seems like their growing article section has a track record of stuff like this.

Guess it answers my question as to why there is no autoflower category in the cup.