Seed Stockers Nicole Cream Auto and Candy Dawg Auto - Medimadness' 1st Battle

Here we have Battle Plant Candy Dawg Auto day 59 in soil:

A great girl now in full flower swing showing me so much pistils and upward growth with fantastic node spacing.
She has received what I hope is last defol and has been put on 2l every other day of bio bizz line at 1ml/l grow, 2ml/l bloom and topmax, 4ml/l Alg-a-mic with the occasional off brand Calmag.

She is a lushious green with a sweet kushy almost white tea type aroma. Basically healthy, green and sweet smell with a spicy after note. Very excited for her terp production as so far she is my smelliest auto to date.

She is standing at 63cm tall but with great cola dominance relatively evenly distributed which has leant to a very bushy girl which great light exposure.

Both RH and AT are stable within the sweet spot.

A few pics of my girl

Pics of Nicole to follow
Nicole Cream test plant of the same age, 59 days in soil. A little behind the Candy Dawg, she is still recieving the odd LST adjustment here and there but she is bushy as jungle and needing a lot of opening up.

She's got a full on sweet cream/ green spice kush. Almost like corriander in a way.

She's just a little shorter than the Candy Dawg but wider still!
Beautiful work as ever Medi. That Candy Dawg looks dreamy. Great indication of terp profile this early on too. Kushy white tea sounds pretty special.
Beautiful work as ever Medi. That Candy Dawg looks dreamy. Great indication of terp profile this early on too. Kushy white tea sounds pretty special.

It's just so sweet bro, but in a floral spicy sweet. A stem rub is just too much tease lol
Candy Dawg Auto Day 63 and doing great, with first signs of frost developing.


Not made any more changes besides a bloom feed switch and the occasional rotation/ reposition. Also only feeding 2.2l ever other day rather than a litre daily as the dry periods do them good.

Getting 1ml/l biogrow, 2ml/l bloom, 1.5ml/l topmax and 4ml/l of Alg-a-mic

Also Nicole Cream of the same age is doing well too.
Here’s Candy Dawg for this week, with bud development high on her sexually fustrated system.

Not much change in practice, simply a waiting game now.
what a beaut! rich green fingers, looks awesome man she's gonna be fat!