Seed Stockers Nicole Cream Auto and Candy Dawg Auto - Medimadness' 1st Battle

I collected ure update for week 2 at day 19 for them but this is more details and natural light pics so I'm going to use this post .
From here on just tag me in biggest battle m8 or I'll get confused n forget who's done what lol I smoke from eyes open to eyes shut so getting confused don't take much
I collected ure update for week 2 at day 19 for them but this is more details and natural light pics so I'm going to use this post .
From here on just tag me in biggest battle m8 or I'll get confused n forget who's done what lol I smoke from eyes open to eyes shut so getting confused don't take much

I'm with you there mate, though I give myself an hour or so in the mornings lol
Week 3 Update for Seedstockers Grow Battle:

Candy Dawg Auto day 26 in soil:
This one is really impressing me here. Her response to LST is pretty astounding, and is developing multiple more dominant colas. Her main stem is so bendy and pliable that it makes LST a dream, with very little need to top to achieve similar results but with out the delayed growth.
She has also developed a little perfume.


Nicole Cream Auto day 26 in soil:
This one is a little weird, and not responding to LST how I wanted but she's starting to come together now that I've removed a few larger fan leaves. This one is woody, but pliable. Really fun to work with as I've got two ties pulling her right over, the bend she has taken is great!

Changes made: As my first feed of 1ml/l of biogrow seemed to be a little much for them I decided to switch to the fish mix and gave them .5ml/l instead.
Continued LST adjustments and a few larger fan leaves removed to give light to lower foliage.
To be honest I'm the same after my breakfast and cuppa then I smoke
Wow the girls are looking mighty fine m8

Cheers mate! Really love the way the candy Dawg does exactly what I want her to. Nicole Cream less so I'll probs just focus my efforts on the others and let her grow in all that weird shapes she throws out worse than a dance floor on 80s night haha sure she'll produce some killer buds but I doubt she will win any beauty contests.

If the CD grows out as much as she has done and keeps responding well to the LST I reckon she will be a huge bushy tree shape with the two big heads and lots of smaller colas let alone sidebranching.

Showing pistils too
Cheers mate! Really love the way the candy Dawg does exactly what I want her to. Nicole Cream less so I'll probs just focus my efforts on the others and let her grow in all that weird shapes she throws out worse than a dance floor on 80s night haha sure she'll produce some killer buds but I doubt she will win any beauty contests.

If the CD grows out as much as she has done and keeps responding well to the LST I reckon she will be a huge bushy tree shape with the two big heads and lots of smaller colas let alone sidebranching.

Showing pistils too
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CD is my favorite out of them aswell bro
Pistols showing is time for the fun part when every day there alot of noticeable growth
Forgot to put this up last week, my bad.

Seedstockers/ Biggest Battle Week 4 Update

Nicole Cream Auto day 33 in soil:
This one is now showing great response to LST and is bushing out very nicely. She still seems to have some strange discolouration on the mainstem fan leaves from time to time, however they grow into it and while it's not the dark green of the rest it is still green despite appearances. Still looking into it so if anyone has any clues.

She is very testy when it comes to nutes, withwecen .25ml/l biogrow being too much still. As a result I will be letting her grow in the lightmix for another week before starting her on a lighter schedule than I'd normally go by.

Still making very small LST adjustments for now too.

Candy Dawg Auto day 33 in soil:
Now this one is amazing, with pistils firing off everywhere you look and so much dominance being redirected by the LST from such a young age that just won't quit. Every bend that is made is minute and yet differences are obvious. Great stuff.
A bit heavier feeder than the Nicole Cream but still on an alternating schedule while she gets used to it as I've noticed a bit of sensitivity there too.

I am pretty certain that this one will be my battle plant.

Anyway peace out everyone

Seedstockers Grow Battle Round 1

Candy Dawg Auto day 42 in soil (on the left): Chosen as my battle plant this round. Her growth is lushious and flowering seems fast approaching with daily growth obvious. Now that she is well established she drinking a litre a day of ever increasing biogrow concentrations (currently 1.5ml/2l biogrow and 1.5ml/2l fishmix for dual sources, gives me great response) with 0.5ml/l of biobloom for acclimatisation and also with autos and using Biobizz line where the grow formula is called for throughout the plants life cycle and there is no true "bloom switch" I like to make it gentler than giving her a heavy load one day.

And also Nicole Cream Auto of the same age on the right
Week 6 Seedstockers Battle Update:

Battle Plant Candy Dawg Auto day 47 in soil and doing fantastically:

Currently receiving 20/4 light, Feeding 1l daily of increasing bloom feed, currently 1.5ml/l biogrow, 1ml/l biobloom and topmax, and 3.5ml/l Alg-a-mic.
Continuing to receive small LST adjustments but I have achieved multiple cola dominance through straight LST with structure similar to that of a topped plant which I am pleased about.
She is currently flowering quite rapidly, with lots of action on a daily basis.
Her smell gets sweeter and spicier by the day, with an acrid green background. Very pleasing.

Nicole Cream Auto day 47 in soil:

This one despite not being chosen is now rapidly over taking her sister. While due to this discolouration I decided to go with the Candy Dawg there is absolutely nothing wrong with this plant.

She is so insanely bushy, I have high hopes for her yields.

RH: 46%-59%