Seed Stockers Nicole Cream Auto and Candy Dawg Auto - Medimadness' 1st Battle


The Beige Thumb
Oct 18, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Amnesia OG, Super Lemon Haze Rosin, Super Lemon Haze
Hey AFN, had some spare time and with the plants not waiting I guess this thread can't either!

So this thread is a bit of a three parter:

First we have 3 Nicole Creams for the battle spread across 3 slightly different conditions.

2 are in a side by side comparison between my peat pots (cut to allow roots but retaining structure for transplantation) alongside the standard 200ml plastic starter pot.

Then the 3rd is in a clear plastic pot (around 300-400ml) as I'm using some TNC Mycorr Max (1/2 tsp mixed to medium and 1/4 tsp spread at germination level before sprinkling a touch more medium on top) so that way I can really see the development of the secondary root system (supposing I've applied an adequate amount at this stage)

And I will also be running a trial plant of the Candy Dawg Auto just in a normal started pot. These are the two that have popped so far 1 candy Dawg and one Nicole Cream


I have yet to decide as to whether I can fit all the plants into 20L fabric smart pots or if I will have to stick to the 11l ones.

I will be using Biobizz lineup, Biobizz lightmix soil with alternated uses of biogrow and fish mix to mix up sources right to the end of feeding, Biobloom when needed, Alg-a-mic from day 21 and Topmax from when she started full flower. I will also be using some Mychorrizal fungi for transplanting.

I will also be using 1x 300 eco marshydro LED panel, 1x unbranded 300w directed LED reflector to start with but hope to double my light capacity and fully utilize my space by grabbing a marshydro 600w panel of some kind. I'm unsure if there's any discount for AFN or going right now @MarshydroTina if there is I would appreciate if you could let me know please :bighug:had great results so far with your gear

Anyway guys that's it for now, I will be keeping up weekly updates to this thread and the battle thread otherwise there will be more regular on my journal

@TheMongol @Seedstockers_Mischa

Peace :frog:


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I will also be using 1x 300 eco marshydro LED panel, 1x unbranded 300w directed LED reflector to start with but hope to double my light capacity and fully utilize my space by grabbing a marshydro 600w panel of some kind. I'm unsure if there's any discount for AFN or going right now @MarshydroTina if there is I would appreciate if you could let me know please :bighug:had great results so far with your gear
we have the special coupon code for AFN members, the coupon code is "afn", but if you want to order ECO series, the coupon code is not available, because we never do any sale promotion for eco series.
Seedstockers Weekly Update 2/1/19

Candy Dawg Auto day 12 in soil:
View attachment 1009002
A fine seedling so far, with great transplant resilience (great root growth on this one before transplant and it doesn't seem to have changed)

Nicole Cream day 12 in soil:

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Recovering more than adequately from her inital malformation. However, there appears to be no stunting from a risky transplant on her when her growth wasn't particularly expressive that seems to have paid off.

Changes made to plants:

Both were transplanted from inital plastic pots to final 11l fabrics and given two teaspoons each of TNC Mychorr Max powder, 1 sprinkled to football and 1 to transplant hole using Bio-Bizz lightmix with added fluffy perlite (like the higher grade stuff to the slightly dustier equivalent. Seems to provide better distribution and retention of water whilst still providing aeration and drainage.

So far I have only given them light spritzes to allow the soil to slowly settle for the young roots as opposed to letting water and gravity compress the soil too soon. Seems to allow for easier recovery from a transplant than a direct water.

Also added a 3rd Marshydro 300w panel to my 1.2mx1.2mx2m tent to increase coverage which seems to have worked a treat while also allowing me a little more headroom than a 900w panel would afford. Am using that panel as the primary for the seedlings.

Anyway AFN,

Peace out while I get used to my new Pax 3 and write up some feeding schedules for them!
Due to personal issues arising right at the worst time with a good friend in a bad place that has landed himself in hospital at the same time as searching feverishly for a job at a terrible time of the year for it I completely forgot to update this thread.

Anyway here it is, better late than never.

Seedstockers Grow Battle Week 2 Update

Candy Dawg Auto day 21 in soil:


Nicole Cream Auto day 21 in soil:

Changes made: Started both on a light Biobizz grow mix at 1ml/l with 1l given each pH'd to the optimum range using a few drops of lemon juice (noticed quite high pH on my water after standing otherwise I wouldn't normally do this using Biobizz as I find it unnecessary when the mix drops to a decent range usually).

Both plants have also been started on a bit of LST, just pulling in one direction and I have removed any growth that would become a hindrance later on the CD and one blocking fan lead from the NC.
Emphasis on the Low in Low stress training as I have only just began the bend, and with my current set up (safety pin, a few small cable ties and some plant safe ties) it allows me to move the ties around the pot to achieve the spiral affect.
As you can see both girls have taken well to it so far but I will continue more small adjustments throughout the next few days/weeks.

Environment: RH 48-60%, Until I can afford the larger dehumidifier this will do, but I would love a little more control in this wet basin I live in.
Temps stable between 24°c- 28.5°c
Light: 3x 300w LED full spectrum at 20/4

We also have the two feeding schedules for the girls:

@Bailey am I meant to tag you in on these ones too mate? Thought I'd check to be safe

Anyway AFN peace out and sweat dreams
Due to personal issues arising right at the worst time with a good friend in a bad place that has landed himself in hospital at the same time as searching feverishly for a job at a terrible time of the year for it I completely forgot to update this thread.

Anyway here it is, better late than never.

Seedstockers Grow Battle Week 2 Update

Candy Dawg Auto day 21 in soil:View attachment 1013276
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Nicole Cream Auto day 21 in soil:
View attachment 1013279 View attachment 1013278

Changes made: Started both on a light Biobizz grow mix at 1ml/l with 1l given each pH'd to the optimum range using a few drops of lemon juice (noticed quite high pH on my water after standing otherwise I wouldn't normally do this using Biobizz as I find it unnecessary when the mix drops to a decent range usually).

Both plants have also been started on a bit of LST, just pulling in one direction and I have removed any growth that would become a hindrance later on the CD and one blocking fan lead from the NC.
Emphasis on the Low in Low stress training as I have only just began the bend, and with my current set up (safety pin, a few small cable ties and some plant safe ties) it allows me to move the ties around the pot to achieve the spiral affect.
As you can see both girls have taken well to it so far but I will continue more small adjustments throughout the next few days/weeks.

Environment: RH 48-60%, Until I can afford the larger dehumidifier this will do, but I would love a little more control in this wet basin I live in.
Temps stable between 24°c- 28.5°c
Light: 3x 300w LED full spectrum at 20/4

We also have the two feeding schedules for the girls:
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@Bailey am I meant to tag you in on these ones too mate? Thought I'd check to be safe

Anyway AFN peace out and sweat dreams
Just in the big battle thread m8
Have I got this update infact I'll go check