Indoor Nicojellic mephisto varieties

Cheers hope, thank you! Mainly did Mephisto last 2-3 years so might be time to try something else for a short while. Haven't had one bad strain so far, so hard to argue about trying different breeders hehe. Yeah I've seen great plants from DP so might as well take the step! Night Queen looks great, seen that one once in a while.
Skywalker went 66 days. A small lady with frosty buds. Could have let it go few more days, but it was all cloudy.

Auto Blue x 3 OG chopped on day 70. All tops glaced with nice cloudy trichs.




When I took Sour Livers out it was just a square block of green! Bit nervous with the bending, because it was bone dry, but got it spread out to a more open structure with room in-between. Last picture is Sour Livers x Sour Bubbly. Haven't done anything to this one, just did her thing. This strain for sure deserves a rerun soon, maybe winter if it's good smoke.



Sour Livers x Sour Bubbly chopped on day 76.



Sour Livers tied once more to get that spread now I have the room. New beans dropped this morning since the soil arrived. Been using cheap garden soil with cat litter so far, but now I ordered some biobizz lightmix to give it a go.


Looking lovely mate.big happy budding girls,happy harvest. a very wise choice on the lightmix mate.its gna change ur growing experience in such a huge way.ul see all in good time.and ul be sorry u didnt switch sooner;)happy growing;)
Looking lovely mate.big happy budding girls,happy harvest. a very wise choice on the lightmix mate.its gna change ur growing experience in such a huge way.ul see all in good time.and ul be sorry u didnt switch sooner;)happy growing;)
Thanks beast, topping and lst is definitely a good way to maximize yield. Little more time consuming tho. Yeah I really like the lightmix so far, nice and airy soil.