Newman Chucks Pollen

Got that one in my sights as well, it is probably a male but I’m looking for a solid breeder one of those anyway
Can always try and make some lemonade if you get a few lemons…
I just kulled a pretty (and stinky fwiw) male. I wish i had the space to actually breed some cultivars. Id like to try and store some pollen, but my set up is best for head stash.. I am glad i had a happy accident and became a canna dad, cause now I KNOW what to look for and when to look for it. Plus it captured a snapshot of 5 phenos to mess around with (3/5 verified viable) and enjoy. (My own personal lottery of sorts) but even though the crosses were an accident it fulfilled a segment of this journey i figured was years away. Pleased AF it worked out this way.
One lady has sexed as well as three males. I pulled the males out of the pot roots and all and transplanted them into one shared 1/2g grow bag partially filled. I will likely use the first to show to breed but will monitor the others for desirable traits and likely reserve a second backup female. I am not sure if faster showing of sex will correlate to faster overall lifecycle, but selecting it this way to try and see. A better way would be to have a massive setup and select based on onset of flower all the way through to completion to truly compare but I’m just a washed up dad in a basement.

Males transplanted

The early lady:dancer::drool:

Pretty good looking plants for day 15!
..... but I’m just a washed up dad in a basement.

Now that's not true! You do a great job of growing and have some real skill. I mean how interesting that you're trying to pheno hunt and breed plants? That's certainly well above the average grower. Not bad at all. Dad in a basement part might be on point....
Now that's not true! You do a great job of growing and have some real skill. I mean how interesting that you're trying to pheno hunt and breed plants? That's certainly well above the average grower. Not bad at all. Dad in a basement part might be on point....
It’s one of my favorite jokes with my friends. I mean I’m not this guy so I am a bit washed up

(Paul Newman BTW). Thank you for your vote of not washed up:worship: Seriously though why can’t we all be actor, race car driver, entrepreneurs.
I also pulled some seed off the forum stomper Bx, both popped! I am going to be growing these out for smoke and to check how it held its lineage. Or I’ll get both males. I also put them in the now open space of the 5g purple promise grow bag.
Day 70 for the backcross group. I cleaned up these two this morning and will clean up the other two later and update about those then.
Forum stomper bearing seeds with Forum Stomper x CMD pollen
Smells great, super frosty, big plant that is perhaps sensitive to conditions

And some seedlings I started from two seeds that dropped out of her, I’m hoping to get a female to smoke to test.

HubbabubbaSmelloscope bearing seeds with HubbabubbaSmelloscope x CMD pollen. Such a nice bubblegum smell to this one and solid buds
Your crosses look lovely my friend. Have a look at the Wedding x CMD...
View attachment 1604980

And now with the flash...Hybrid vigor is a plenty :cheers:
View attachment 1604981
Looking Awesome! Beautifully grown no doubt not a spot on those leaves! Be cool to see how she smells compared to the real deal MW you’ve got going. Seems like your having pretty good greenhouse weather unlike here
Looking Awesome! Beautifully grown no doubt not a spot on those leaves! Be cool to see how she smells compared to the real deal MW you’ve got going. Seems like your having pretty good greenhouse weather unlike here
Yeah, a bit on the hot side. But rather have hot and dry, then cloudy and know. Especially in the last month or so. That's why I start 'm so early inside the tent and take 'm out when temperatures allow for it. It gives the ladies the best months for growing where I'm at. 🤞
I'm going to have so much MW combo's to try, will let you know which one is my favorite :cheers:
But rather have hot and dry, then cloudy and know.
I’ll keep my fingers crossed that hot and dry continues for you especially knowing all those Mephs wedding will get chunky, I ended up throwing away over an ounce of molded mephs wedding from my smoke grow.
Round 2 Forum Stomper chop
Day 78 and I needed space so she gets the chop. Her seeds look ready and the seeds I took two weeks ago germinated so we should be all mature now.

The other 3 strains of this round will follow suit soon but they remain in healthier condition so I feel inclined to push them in case it bulks the seeds, who knows my stoner ass might chop them anyways