At least one more week.Beginning of week 12 and she’s still cookingI see a few late pistils coming but don’t expect much more growth. Can’t imagine she could get denser as the buds are already like jackhammers. Smell is building but doesn’t warrant a carbon filter
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You guys would push her another week or two right? I’ve honestly never had the luxury of deciding usually the plants die and I know that’s all she wrotesome “fade” is starting to happen and some PURPLE
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I am growing in NLS living soil with spring water and my wedding is on day 74 and she has at least 2 more weeks if not 3. I think the choice of the extra tall RS bag delayed her a week while sinking the tap root so much deeper.I ran mine out to 90 days. Thats pretty long for me, but thats what it took. For reference, smaller plant (like a qp or less) usually run around 77 days. Bigger plants like 1/2 lb or more usually run around 84 days.
My Meph wedding was pretty small at 25” tall, but all buds.
Im a organic water only, soil grower.
I run no till living soil. I typically run 3-4 cycles, then in the spring it gets used for growing ornamentals. Then around August I whip up a new batch of Sinse’s Mix from homemade compost, homemade leafmold, and my very own vermicompost-plus some aeration and dry amendments.I am growing in NLS living soil with spring water and my wedding is on day 74 and she has at least 2 more weeks if not 3. I think the choice of the extra tall RS bag delayed her a week while sinking the tap root so much deeper.