New Grower Newbie to the growing scene with A LOT of questions, answer as much as you can please.



Hello, i've gained knowledge from other growing website but as me being more autoflower based ( took that path ) i decided to register here, i have ALOT of questions to ask and it's better if asked in one thread so i dont spam so here i go.


1 . I'm growing russian rocket fuel and devilmatic, anyone grown these? espc with cfl's? good results?
2 . Will two 125w dual spec CFL'S get me 1-2 oz's of three plants?
3 . Does a grow tent help controlling odour?
4 . How to hook up a IN LINE FAN?
5 . I have two, 5 gallon pots are they alright? more root growth?
6 . Can my autoflowers be grown in 90F-100F temps? and still get an OZ
7 . Who here gets good results from CFL'S?
8 . What are GOOD single seed auto's ( single seed e.g pick n mix ) i can get
9 . I'm leaving my auto's for 18/6 is that alright?
10 . Is it best to leave my cfl's vertical? ( no reflector )
11 . Growing in a 60x60x140cm grow tent, how many pots if doing a sog of what gallon shud i use

will have more questions, add them on later in one thread :)

Sorry if i've asked to many questions, Or search bar related ones, i would search but I have to go something so no body vent, Thanks to anyone which answers any amount of questions.. I WILL USE SEARCH BAR + FAQS SOON so dont worry, thanks guys
Welcome to AFN...! You gotta a lot of studing to do my friend. Most of your questions would be easly answeared in many grow journals we have here. I personally would suggest you find your answears there to acclimate yourself to growing. Iam sure there are many here to help you on your journey to becoming an mmj grower. If you need help finding specific things just holler...enjoy!
Hey there wrekstar, I use CFL and tubes only and harvested an ounce and a bit off of my last auto which was White dwarf. I had at the time 2X 125 watt warms that I used for the whole grow (besides some cheap cool spectrum floro tubes) and supported 3 photosensitive plants and the one auto. After cutting down all four plants I had over a quarter pound of pure stemless bud! I should also mention that it was mid summers heat and my grow corner is unfortunately situated so that one wall is facing south, the other outside wall is facing east. I recorded temps of up to 110 degrees and the all made it just fine, could have been better with less heat I'm sure but it's doable, just keep the fans going all the time and exhaust your air from inside to outside (not just recycled inside) for max efficiency. Personally I use a 2.5 gallon pot for the little autos and they seem to be perfect, no root binding at all... I would use a reflector on the 125 CFLs and get some cheap tube floros for side lighting from the corners etc.
There's some answers for ya, but every plant grows differently so research research research!

As smashed says there is a lot of info pertaining to your questions that is already cataloged in the site, there is even a section for new growers.... Check it out! :bong:
Thanks you lot
Surffreak23, thanks man your grow itself helped most of my questions
and smashedbyhashish thanks for the link, i know the basics to grow, i was on rollitup for ages and grasscity
but i thought autoflower forum help me more, never the less thanks :D
Cool man, didn't know if you had grown before or not but either way welcome to AFN, everyone here is nice and polite, no BS or hate slinging here... Make yourself at home! :toke:
1) RRF yes, the other no. Not with CFL. Yes
2) very good chance if all other factors are in order. Lighting is just one factor.
3) yes by helping to contain
4) follow the instructions, usually just plug-in
5) yes, yes
6) yes but good airflow will be needed
7) plenty of people, skim through the cfl/micro section
8) Flash
9) yes
10) there are various opinions but I prefer vertical
11) depends on the shape of pot, but usually as many as one can squeeze in there

Glad you found us but honestly most of your questions are very basic. Just a bit of reading of the various stickied threads here would of answered many of your questions. I understand you're from RIU & GC, and while there is good info hidden throughout their threads, overall those sites seem to teach people to have bad habits when it comes to forum posting. We would love to help you but you also have to be willing to help yourself too. It's your grow & your environment that you're creating. Best thing to do would be to grab a couple of containers, toss some soil in there, toss some seeds in and start growing. I wouldn't recommend doing a SOG for a first run. Just a couple of plants so you gain experience. All the question-asking in the world isn't going to help you until you put it into practice. Once you are comfortable with basic growing, then work towards improving. You're about to experience "Paralysis by Analysis" I feel, meaning asking a ton of questions, getting caught up in the various answers one gets & in the minor details - but never putting anything into practice. Keep things simple, it's a plant, grow it like you would any other household plant at first, then as you come across various problems, ask them here - get the answer, and keep growing. The more grow runs you get under your belt, the better grower you will become. You'll do fine.
Good Luck & Welcome to AFN!

Thanks man, for the answers and advice
i will put my grow into practice on saturday and start a journal on here
good community, good answers
my grow will be
- two 125w dual spec cfl's
- three plants ( russin rocket fuel, devilmatic, shortider )
- two in 5 gallon pots and one in 1 gallon pot
- vertical cfl's hanging
- 60x60x140cm grow tent
- 4" inline fan
- heavy duty timer ( 18/6 ) light sched
- no expensive nutes, cheap old poundland tomato feed high in ' P '
- How should i arrange my lights?


Which method should i do if you understand?

1 . their is one method which is a horizontal view of the plants with the plant pots next to eachother with the ' cfl lights ' ' in between ' the plant pots
so the middle plant gets more light

2 . Or the other one is a birds eye view of the plants with the plant pots forming a ' circle ' or ' triangle ' and the CFL'S PLACED in the middle so all three plants reach in for the light? maybe one light lower than the other




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I'm thinking the method which i listed a picture as ' bird eye view ' waht do you guys think?