Thanks greenbandit- yep I'll be sure to keep a journal with my grow, and follow those tips about gradually exposing the plant to the sun. The info from the seed company said the plants would flower in around 70 days. I'm very excited to be starting on this new journeySolid advice 420 and thanks for the tag mate.... @tracyd I start my seeds straight into a moist pot and skip the glass of water, just remember to keep the soil moist until it comes up
.....if not using lights at all your seedling will have to go out into gentle sun from when they first stand up. I would not put them into direct sun between 9am and 3pm as it's likely too intense for a little sprout and will burn it! I would also bring them back inside if temps are below 12 c of a night as cool temps slow seedlings drastically. It will take a couple of weeks of gradually introducing her to the sun until she is ready to go out in it all day. The best advice I can give is to start a journal up so some more experienced peeps can tag along and help point you in the right direction if you get stuck
.....any thing else I can help with just tag me like this @the green bandit good luck buddy