New Grower newbie please help

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Just thought I'd mention... it works better when you're starting from scratch, if you ask first and then act... just sayin'

You don't need the supplemental lighting or the heat from it. Your temp is not ideal but should not be problematic.

I would place the HPS about 2' from the plants for now... I doubt you are getting much light energy from 3'. :peace:
Just thought I'd mention... it works better when you're starting from scratch, if you ask first and then act... just sayin'

You don't need the supplemental lighting or the heat from it. Your temp is not ideal but should not be problematic.

I would place the HPS about 2' from the plants for now... I doubt you are getting much light energy from 3'. :peace:
WHAT EXACTLY DOES THAT MEAN .( it works better when you're starting from scratch, if you ask first then act...)are you saying i should ask you before i go ahead and do something wrong?if im doing something wrong please tell me!! so your saying take t5's down don need um?i just removed the t5's so if i heard you correct then thats ok..what is an ideal temp/humidity those are my main 2 questions!!!!!...Thanks alot for your help so far keeping my tent open at the top and bottom is that ok it seems to keep my temps within 78-80 degrees???and then again as i asked above what should temp/humidity be at...ALSO WILL MY BULB GET TO HOT AND START A FIRE WITHOUT IT BEING AIR COOLED???ITS ONLY FOR ANOTHER 5 DAYS???ANY AWNSWERS WILL HALP ALOT AND GIVE ME EASE OF MIND!!!
So here is an update!!!i couldint help but put my hps the first pic is of my set up i have my 400watt hps 3ft above my plants with 2 24watt 2000 4000 lumen(total) as supplemnt that ok or no??


THAT'S WHAT THAT MEANS. (I like this "ALL CAPS" thing you use. Excellent means of communicating.)

I like my temps in the high 70's and my RH around 40... I seldom have the luxury of ideal temps/humidity. The plants can survive much higher temps (90F+) and still deliver a decent yield.

It's not a problem to leave the tent door open if stealth is not an issue. :peace:

THAT'S WHAT THAT MEANS. (I like this "ALL CAPS" thing you use. Excellent means of communicating.)

It's not a problem to leave the tent door open if stealth is not an issue. :peace:
i kind of did i said on the 25th i was going to throw them under the hps didint i???i just did it 3-4 days eairly??im not trying to not listen its just i see some people who use MH/HPS all the way thru???so i thought it would not hurt to start a coupple days eairly..the thing is i just want some good plants since 2 out of 5 did not make it..sorry for not listening its not that i dont use the advice just started off kind of funny..for my next grow i am going to leave under t5's untill sex but i orderd and recieved more seeds so ill need those t5's to germ my other seeds thats all....sorry to be so complicated!!!! does that make more sense now???im needed thoes t5's cuz my seeds get here tomorrow and i need them other wise i would have done everything i was told trust me bro i listen im not just being a fucking jerkoff..
I have no problem with someone taking someone else's advice. It doesn't bother me at all. But, when you are asking help from the community, and you're brand new at this, does it really make sense to just go off and do something that you have to ask later, Is that going to hurt anything? It's better to ask that question before you experiment.

im not trying to not listen its just i see some people who use MH/HPS all the way thru???
That's not what you did... you put them under the HPS AND the T-5's. That particular idea was not one I recall being suggested by anyone. Similar experiments with lighting could have been problematic and it might have been too late by the time you got a chance to ask, "Is this ok?"

I'm about to give you some advice almost all new growers need: "Slow down. Take a deep breath. You can not speed up the grow process and any attempts to do so, will usually net a bad result."

for my next grow i am going to leave under t5's untill sex but i orderd and recieved more seeds so ill need those t5's to germ my other seeds thats all....
This is an example of being in too big a hurry. You have removed your seedlings (that you desperately want to thrive) from the best light source to make room for seedlings from seeds you don't even have yet. Actually, by the time you get them, your current seedlings may have shown sex (depending on where you ordered them from).

(I like this "ALL CAPS" thing you use. Excellent means of communicating.) IS THAT SARCASTIC?
I have no problem with someone taking someone else's advice. It doesn't bother me at all. But, when you are asking help from the community, and you're brand new at this, does it really make sense to just go off and do something that you have to ask later, Is that going to hurt anything? It's better to ask that question before you experiment.

That's not what you did... you put them under the HPS AND the T-5's. That particular idea was not one I recall being suggested by anyone. Similar experiments with lighting could have been problematic and it might have been too late by the time you got a chance to ask, "Is this ok?"

I'm about to give you some advice almost all new growers need: "Slow down. Take a deep breath. You can not speed up the grow process and any attempts to do so, will usually net a bad result."

This is an example of being in too big a hurry. You have removed your seedlings (that you desperately want to thrive) from the best light source to make room for seedlings from seeds you don't even have yet. Actually, by the time you get them, your current seedlings may have shown sex (depending on where you ordered them from).

ok sorry man i wasent thinking right.....and your right it could have been to late...and no that idea was my own stupid ass idea but thats what i have you for to tell me when not to make stupid ass mistakes IM JUST NEW AND IM SURE YOU KNOW HOW IT IS SO CAN YOU PLEASE SLOW DOWN AND HAVE SOME PATIENTS WITH ME!!!...and im not trying to speed up the grow im planing on 70+ days....(DEEP BREATH).....look joe your misunderstanding me i DO have my seeds pretty much they come in mail tomorrow checked tracking number!!that is why i moved those plants not because im in a rush even tho i kind of am but thats not why i moved under 400watt hps
IMG_20120325_174757.jpgIMG_20120325_174803.jpgIMG_20120325_174821.jpgIMG_20120325_174658.jpgThese are my three auto(ak47) they are now 9-10 days above soil.. first 5 days under 50watt 2bulb t5....they are under my 400watt hps about a foot or so above i noticed some discoler in the leaves can someone chime in and help me out thanks also my ph meter broke so ill have to order a new one that should take about 5 or so days isin't that just enough time before i should start feeding nutes right cuz thats when i'll really need it since im using FFOF/FFLW so that should hold it over for the first 2 weeks if im not mistaken???any help will help dont be afarid to give your input because im new at this and already have rubbed the +rep people the wrong way they seem to hate me now i think?but i just want to learn how to grow good bud thats all this whole thing is trial and error no other way around it... so i just try and take advice and put it all into one big BRAIN GROW!!!!! IF I HAVE UPSET OR ANNOYED ANYONE IM SORRY!!!sit back roll up and chill out im just trying to get good at this thing

PS..i also have bugs in the tent due to the fact tent is in basement and i have to leave tent door open to keep temps grow room is perfectly cleaned with bleach and all that good stuff its just now getting warm outside so the bugs are everywere not everywere in my house but just everywere in general.what should i get to clear bugs up their not spider mites or nothing... just like little beetles iv'e mabye see 1-2 but want to handle it b4 it gets out of hand...Thanks


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