Grow Room Newbie PC grow in Dresser

Its not dry i prewatered the hell out of it before i popped my seeds in

Ok, maybe just the tops... I'd still go with the plastic and a few sprays of Ph water every 12 hours or so if it needs it..:thumbs:
Ok, maybe just the tops... I'd still go with the plastic and a few sprays of Ph water every 12 hours or so if it needs it..:thumbs:
alright ill go do that plastic right now and try to find a spray bottle, this is just a little test to see if i can do it lol, i dont wanna mess up my good autoseeds, they kinda cost a pretty penny
Hi Highasakite,

Find some Jiffy potting soil, all purpose use that as your top three inches of soil. then put the rest of the bottom container of this.

View attachment 180735

It actually looks like a decent soil. And try to find a smaller bag if you can, this is 3 cubic feet. Which at the rate you will be using soil should last you ten years. lol

Both available at Lowe's, however, look online in your store before you head down there.

my two cents


EDIT: sorry, here is the link LOWES
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ok ill also look for that tomorrow. i got the plastic on and poked 4 holes in each
Do you have drain holes on that planter? If you could drill a bunch of holes on the bottom and put a pie tin under it, when it is done feeding, ( I usually wait an hour or two) you can drain the tin, or check the water PH if you had a stick.

Oh crap, I didn't see the new planter, My Bad!

yea they have drain holes and ill buy a ph tester tomorrow also aswell :) thanks for the help id be so lost if it wasnt for you guys.

Thanks again guys talk to you all tomorrow.:bong:
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Your mix looks too dry to me man. It needs to be kept damp and warm. I use a spray bottle for the first week almost depending on growth. I also recommend wrapping plastic wrap over the top of the pots to keep humidity/heat/moisture in. When it sprouts, remove the wrap. :thumbs:

EDIT:Those you have are a bit tall(the pots)..Can you move the lights up any at all?
Not positive on the best option for pot size due to space. My high ass just remembered you were in a PC. :lol: worries..I'm still here to help, but have you checked out the Micro section?

ATM i have the pots sitting on a huge zipo to have them closer to the light, and i can just take out the zip to make them farther away. Im getting my list ready to go shopping for some soil and stuff lol
Ok just got back from getting some stuff, I could not find any promix/foxfarm anywhere i ended up buying Evergreen potting soil and the guy i talked to said that, that soil has no nutes. So i hope i made a decent choice. Also got my spray bottle and my PH test strips.
Woot, i just tried to track my seeds and they are about to be shipped overseas can't wait to get my hands on them :) :) :drool: