Grow Room Newbie PC grow in Dresser

Hey guys could you help me figure out if i need anything else, I'm going to the hydro store tomorrow and need to know if i should pick anything else up. Currently i have TB, BB and FFLW soil, I'll be buying some Grow big. I was just wondering if i need to get anything else. Like do i need to get some cal/mag stuff? if so whats the best kind. I really need to some help so i dont have to make another 45 minute drive to the hydro store Thanks in advance guys :)

tbh on the nutrient side ,i would have to say its all about how u feel about it . i perssonally use Promix soil with Floranova and somme kind of root for the veg and i use somme natural juices i get at the groceries and the classical A+B flowering nuts from Optimum ,after a few years of groing i noticed most of the time nutrients will not make your yeild "Biger" its more about your climate and how u water your plant & good ventilation
Well just got back from the hydro store and i ended up getting Grow Big, Ona Gel for smell, and some better PH up/down solution spent like 65 bucks haha this shit is expensive.
Day 3 and i can barley see the seed popping up through the soil, i hope it has leaves by tonight lol (wishful thinking)