Outdoor New Zealand auto outdoor

May 21, 2017
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How's it going....guna do my first auto outdoor grow. First time using autos. Anyone out there from nz done autos? If so, how'd they go? I have sin tra bajo, auto mazar, auto heaven, Neville's haze auto and wild Thai Ryder. Any help would be awesome. I'll be putting them in the ground, so what do I nitrophoska and sheepshit them? And potash in flowering? Fuck knows...any help would be most appreciated.
Errr, correct me if I am wrong... but NZ is just about to enter into winter and the daylight hours will be at their shortest for the whole year in 3-4 weeks time. You'll only be getting 8 hours of daylight in June and the sun intensity will be piss poor. Having checked the climate stats for the warmest part of NZ, it seems the highest temps would be around 55F and lows around 45F... which is waaaaay too cold, especially when combined with the lack of daylight hours. Putting an auto out in that would be madness. It's the worst time of year to put them out in fact. You want to be waiting 6 months until the daylight hours are close to their maximum and temps are much higher.

Unless of course you are planning on waiting 5-6 months until November/December? Not that your original post suggests that. Either way, I wish you luck with it man. ATB :thumbsup:
Errr, correct me if I am wrong... but NZ is just about to enter into winter and the daylight hours will be at their shortest for the whole year in 3-4 weeks time. You'll only be getting 8 hours of daylight in June and the sun intensity will be piss poor. Having checked the climate stats for the warmest part of NZ, it seems the highest temps would be around 55F and lows around 45F... which is waaaaay too cold, especially when combined with the lack of daylight hours. Putting an auto out in that would be madness. It's the worst time of year to put them out in fact. You want to be waiting 6 months until the daylight hours are close to their maximum and temps are much higher.

Unless of course you are planning on waiting 5-6 months until November/December? Not that your original post suggests that. Either way, I wish you luck with it man. ATB :thumbsup:

Oh, yes. What @English Archer said...
Missed the "in the ground" part.
Yeah have a read of the maximizing autos thread...it was made for guys growing in a cool climate. Good luck!! Nice strain choices!