Outdoor New to OG

I think it would depend greatly on yer environment. ..I have a great time with auto jack and auto AK. .
I am not an outdoor auto master, but I do have quite extensive experience in backyard and guerilla grows using photoperiod plants. I have been running a few autos a summer and have had mixed results. I have learned a few things along the road. Autos wont bounce back from mistakes like photos will. Any slowing of growth due to frost, extended cold weather will seriously diminish the final yield in autos. I grew out a pack WoS Afghani Ryder and got pitiful yields, due to early season frosts. Autos don't like to have their roots restricted and some/most varieties are sensitive to nutrients.

@vasko0o - I used only horse manure(not always well rotted) and lime on photo plants for years, and always pulled nice yields(1+lb per plant easily). I still use horse manure/lime to power the veg growth on my outdoor girls.

@trailanimal great advice all around bud. Same to you @guerilla
Hey man at the moment you mentioned me I was reading your smoke and grow report on DP blueberry. All I can say is WOW!!! On the other side I cant find nothing in my language about "lime" or "dolomite lime"...
Has anyone heard anything of biohumus from red californian worms.I think my mix will be 50% native soil ,35% biohumus ,15% perlite.
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Hey man at the moment you mentioned me I was reading your smoke and grow report on DP blueberry. All I can say is WOW!!! On the other side I cant find nothing in my language about "lime" or "dolomite lime"...
Has anyone heard anything of biohumus from red californian worms.I think my mix will be 50% native soil ,35% biohumus ,15% perlite.
Is the biohumus worm castings, or a mix of castings and other stuff?
Worm castings are excellent fertilizer. Hmm...I don't know what to say about lime in your location. Really great stuff, especially if you are planning to grow in the same area year after year.(as it breaks down slowly it keeps the PH in check) The thing about worm casting and certain manures(horse in particular) is that they are fairly low in NPK ratios, but have excellent micro and macro nutrients. Ive burnt plants before using insane amount of horse manure, but it only took them 2 weeks to bounce back, accept the nutrients, and grow like rockets. These days I run a buffer zone to help the plants ease into the heavy nutrients.
The first one! Do you think my mix is good and should I add manure too if I go with the biohumus.
keep doing what has brought you success, with your photos. I would use castings and manure. You don't need super soil to get your plants growing, as they grow their nute needs grow. I would maintain a manure or compost mulch after the seedlings up and strong, keep mulch pulled back from stems of young plants. The decomp action at the soil's surface will meter nutes to plants throughout grow.
Depends on what yer soul is like..Sandy ...clay...our deep rich glorious forest humus.
Im really not sure about my soil ,the garden is 10 meters away from the river if that matters.Its kinda strange dark brown ,even black soil.The vegatation is exploding in this soil ,tall grass and bushes ,some of the bushes are 3 meters in height.I have some pictures of it in the previous page.My native soil is my biggest concern...