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Report Day 3:

The seed is still in damp paper towels and hasn't cracked yet, but looks bigger and darker.

Seeds take longer than I thought to germinate, I hope this time I will not let it die.

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if your worried about CFL's, well one thing for sure is never use the 2000k+, make sure you use the 6000k+, cfls will give your baby's blue spectrum of the light, now blue spectrum will help the plat with the formation of stems, roots and leaves, BUT blue spectrum will give you aprox 65% of the yield of bud compare to the Red spectrum that HPS offers, red spectrum helps the formation of buds so you will the the 100% of it, standard incandescent light is used for bathrooms usually you can find it in any light store, which offers a good amount of red spectrum that will give you 25% more buds than CFL's only, now if you do want good veg and flowering stages, use both, which means, first week use a cfl and then for the rest of the grow, use both CFLS's and incandescent light, this will cover up for the metal halide and High pressure sodium, in other words, lights deffer from spectrum's, any cannabis plant or plants generally use only the blue and red spectrum, here:-


now since your growing extremely stealthy and a seed-run, start your plant 18/6 from seedling
and add some more water to the paper your using, think about it this way, for germination seeds use humidity and water to start growing, water shouldint be as much as you have, add more, add lots of water and then press the paper around the seed for excessive water to escape the paper, while doing that turn the plate over now all the extra water is going to fall down, you paper is way to dry for the water to get inside the seed through its shell, 48 hours already, lets hope it did not get damaged, the moist in the paper is way to low to get through the shell
after it germinates, start using cfls, use lots yeah maybe its better to use one at the first days but your planting really short in a small space and one cfl for a week would just make the seedling grow tall cause its not getting enough light, make sure you have air flow too on the seedling, after the 2nd or max 3rd week, apply some LST on it this way itll start growing bushier not taller, breed it and switch to 12/12 for flowering and seed formation
hope this helps!

much regards
A PC grow box is fine for 1 or 2 small plants. For pot size, a 1.5 or 2 gallon would be fine.

Get the perlite. Without it your soil may not drain properly, keeping it to wet and causing your plant to stunt and possibly causing other issues. Perlite in the soil mix is very important and something that should not be overlooked or ignored.

Sometimes seeds have a hard husk and don't crack easily. If it doesn't open in another day you might consider taking a nail file and gently filing the ridge where the two halfs of the husk meet. Go easy, you just want to help it along a bit.

Ok, I'll wait a couple of days more to see if germination succed.

If I get it to germinate, I'm comsidering a PC grow to get me through the winter.
No perlite for this time.

what pot size do you suggest for pc grow, remember that I'm not growing for bud, but to get seeds for the spring (seed-run), so the smaller the plant the better.

anyway...not to much planning, for now I just want a successful germination with which I have a 100% failure rate at the moment. :p

2 gallon pot? correct me if I'm wrong but that's 7,5L.
isn't that too much for a PC Grow?

I was thinking something like 0,5L to 1L. That's something around 16oz to 32oz pots.
I've seen in the forum ppl successfuly grow in such small pots.

For the perlite, since it's only one plant, I may ask to a friend of mine who also grow to borrow me a pot of soil, He uses BioBizz All-Mix. If I remember well, it as perlite pre-mixed.

For the seed, I will wait tomorow before touching it, but next time I must remember to scuff them before germination.

lool, both of you two need something in between, a 2L-4L pot would do the trick, 1L pot wont be enough for your plants to bud therefor the genetics of the seeds and the yield of the seeds will be to low, yet a 2 gallon pot is way to big for a pc grow, between is fine

1g would be my min but get a wider tray rather than taller pot

ive seen 1/2 oz in a fanta can in hydro you could bud in 1l but you will cut short potential
lool, both of you two need something in between, a 2L-4L pot would do the trick, 1L pot wont be enough for your plants to bud therefor the genetics of the seeds and the yield of the seeds will be to low, yet a 2 gallon pot is way to big for a pc grow, between is fine


1g would be my min but get a wider tray rather than taller pot

ive seen 1/2 oz in a fanta can in hydro you could bud in 1l but you will cut short potential

Ok, so would I be good with a 2L shallow tray instead of a deep one, my main concern is the height of the pot since my pc tower is not very tall.
yes but make sure you buy a short strain and save yourself allot issues. dont look at yield etc..
3.5l would be better ;)
yes but make sure you buy a short strain and save yourself allot issues. dont look at yield etc..
3.5l would be better ;)

The strain is "Sweet Dwarf" from Advanced Seeds, since it is a 'dwarf' strain I guess it's short.
lol its not the way it works
I hoped you checked other peoples diary's before purchase