think that means you need to work on your watering technique on watering the RS bags. I think it takes a bit of time to water them properly. I try to be methodical as possible and concentrate on making sure the sides get fully wet. I think the use of a surfactant in every watering is a MUST in soil in RS bags. I think it's really too easy for the sides to go hydrophobic, if not using a surfactant.
I don't know if I do have the watering down on RS bags, but it's better than the first time. LOL!
I'm beginning to think that RS bags would be best used in 15al bags and up, with Grassroots relegated to the smaller bags.
I made a pretty big investment into the RS bags and I want to strive and make them work before I go to something else. I think I have 8 of the small 3gal ones. I've had ok results the 3gal bags, just not where it should be.
I think I'll buy 2 Grassroots 3gal bags and run some of the seeds I get from Twenty20Adam in them...........
.IF I'm still on the site.
It will be a good comparison. EB Jrs have roughly the same amount of media, not including the nute mound and should interesting to see the differences between the three types.