New Grower (New indoor auto grower) Tangerine Dream and Sour Kush. Cheap grow!!

Maybe my thumb is losing a little green! Lol! I know they said cherry tomatoes but wow! More like peanut matera! Lmao
on the has different bugs than usa,but id say the bigger the bug the less the problem.he could have just stopped for a rest and you picked pot a good measure just incase its laid babies.
give it a lick and a sprinkling of salt n perfect :thumbsup:
estimates on plant finishes..............i like a racy head high/dont care for a body i tend to harvest a week before most others do,yes i know i lose a lil yield but more than happy.i find the top of the plant matures first/so nowt wrong with a 2 stage harvest.
but for an honest opinion id agree with Rebel :pass:its a tad early,a bit of clear/white,no sign of ambers.
good luck n keep er lit
Hey pal, that was deffo a ladybug

"We are used to ladybugs with spots, but increasingly we are seeing orange/red bodies with no spots. These are Asian beetles, which can be tan to orange, and can have very discreet spots."
Looking good their bud! Girls are looking healthy and happy!
Hahaha that's crazy lol that's the smallest cherry tomato I've ever seen hell hell growing them like that then start marketing it as.a."diet trend" lol smaller portions thingy you'll get rich out there in hollywood
Plants are looking good. Seems you got some ways to go still. Probably tough to tell at this time what the final yield will be since different plants do different things. I have some growing right now with huge buds that didn't look to promising.