Old Reviews New Humboldt's Secret Golden Tree

thread bump!!

:bump: Thread bump!!...anyone besides myself and Think different try this stuff yet??:dunno:

"Stirring" :ladies: anyone......anyone.....Bueller......Bueller!!????...LOL j/k

:brow: :tiphat:
ok.....So I ran across this product on Facebook and these guys advertise a TOTALLY FREE Sample in the U.S.A.....so I went to the site and requested one.........The sample is truly free and no charge for shipping either...no credit card or payment info needed......I am going to post my results here so we can compare.....thanks :Sharing One:

I went to the Humboldt Secrets website for a free sample, never heard a word. Wound up buying the A/B and Golden Tree on Amazon, going to start using today on three week old autos. Have three bag seed that saved from 12? Years ago. Half of them popped, must have been good for me to save them. If this thread is still alive I will post some pictures and comments. Maybe I will get my free sample.
I bought a bottle off Amazon a few weeks ago.
A few people have mentioned foxtailing after adding it with their regular nutes, I can confirm this...
It smells awful and is squid ink black in color, putrid stuff for sure!

Apart from the fox tails, I do not see much change in the buds at all.
Everyone seems happy with the new addition, so it cannot be a bad thing.

I will get some pics up this weekend of my foxy ladies!
So many foxtails...
