New grower taking on rocbudinc!!

My main suggestion is don’t do 24/0! Plants can only take in so many photons a day and running 24 hours just means you’ll need to dim light or you’ll see plants drooping looking like could be over or under watered but it’s just cuz they’ve received all the light they can use in a day and rest is just being wasted! :thumbsup:
This is def strain dependent for sure. I have had some that droop and some that don’t. Now with that being said MOST definitely have a limit of light they can handle.
That’s why I’m on the full intensity for 18 hours then down to about 30% for 4-6 hours a day. Although I’m not too sure what the actual reduction in intensity is just yet cause I blew up my par meter and am waiting on my new one.
Whether they drop or not doesn’t change the fact it has a DLI # where once hit it’s not absorbing more light regardless what u blast it with! U can actually download an app and unlock full spectrum LED ppfd meter for $5 and it’ll tell u your ppfd and then they have a calculator u enter it onto and # of hours u run light and it’ll tell u if u are in range! This app was tested by migro light dude from IG and tested against apogee meter and was literally almost identical to the apogee! Like close enough no equations need to be done to make the 2 lineup unless your light is all white + red diodes! Then u gotta multiply by like 1.12% to make em line up! Depending on light tho can maybe get away with 24hr cycle of low ppfd but I built a good one so mine easily maxes out before 18hrs even if dimmed! I need to add extension onto my tent tho so I can raise light but his Mars I’d spend the $5 and test it cuz if low ppfd it may actually help to do 24! If not no reason to waste electricity for no reason! Just my 2 cents tho :thumbsup:
Whether they drop or not doesn’t change the fact it has a DLI # where once hit it’s not absorbing more light regardless what u blast it with! U can actually download an app and unlock full spectrum LED ppfd meter for $5 and it’ll tell u your ppfd and then they have a calculator u enter it onto and # of hours u run light and it’ll tell u if u are in range! This app was tested by migro light dude from IG and tested against apogee meter and was literally almost identical to the apogee! Like close enough no equations need to be done to make the 2 lineup unless your light is all white + red diodes! Then u gotta multiply by like 1.12% to make em line up! Depending on light tho can maybe get away with 24hr cycle of low ppfd but I built a good one so mine easily maxes out before 18hrs even if dimmed! I need to add extension onto my tent tho so I can raise light but his Mars I’d spend the $5 and test it cuz if low ppfd it may actually help to do 24! If not no reason to waste electricity for no reason! Just my 2 cents tho :thumbsup:
What’s the app? I’m interested for sure. I just spent 200 on my trolmaster par meter sensor. So I will def check and see if it is accurate against that as well.
Also I use the sunlight too so all my stuff is waaaaaaaaay different than anyone else’s, that’s for sure. When I say I give them 30% 4-6 hours a day I am just guessin right now lol. They could be gettin 50 for all I know.

during the middle part of the day my LAG is closed up like it is in night mode. So it has a white billboard tarp over the top part. I am very interested to see what the ppfd numbers are.
Whether they drop or not doesn’t change the fact it has a DLI # where once hit it’s not absorbing more light regardless what u blast it with! U can actually download an app and unlock full spectrum LED ppfd meter for $5 and it’ll tell u your ppfd and then they have a calculator u enter it onto and # of hours u run light and it’ll tell u if u are in range! This app was tested by migro light dude from IG and tested against apogee meter and was literally almost identical to the apogee! Like close enough no equations need to be done to make the 2 lineup unless your light is all white + red diodes! Then u gotta multiply by like 1.12% to make em line up! Depending on light tho can maybe get away with 24hr cycle of low ppfd but I built a good one so mine easily maxes out before 18hrs even if dimmed! I need to add extension onto my tent tho so I can raise light but his Mars I’d spend the $5 and test it cuz if low ppfd it may actually help to do 24! If not no reason to waste electricity for no reason! Just my 2 cents tho :thumbsup:
Also you don’t use cO2 either right?
No co2 and the app is this one here! Check out migro light on IG cuz he has a post of a graph of this app for IOS and google (google was way off iOS was almost dead on) to make it really accurate u gotta take a piece of printer paper and use it to covercamera as a diffuser otherwise it’s not accurate!
No co2 and the app is this one here! Check out migro light on IG cuz he has a post of a graph of this app for IOS and google (google was way off iOS was almost dead on) to make it really accurate u gotta take a piece of printer paper and use it to covercamera as a diffuser otherwise it’s not accurate!
Badass. Thanks for this tip,l am gonna check it out this evening
Hey bud I use the same size tent, first grow, I’m using 5gallon pouches, my girl is at day 86 today and probably takes up half my tent, I did originally have two 5 g pots, but lost a seedling, it would of filled the tent just right with 2. And watch out for the height, I guess your tent is 5 ft tall aswell, big bonus if its taller. Once I added my carbon filter and light plus the height of the root pouch I wasnt left with much room, I did some light lst early on to keep them lower, and this grow I have exactly 1 inch of room left if I keep my light at 18 inches. All the best with your grow.
Sounds like a tight fit. I don't have a carbon filter yet. Once it comes in, I can hook it up outside tent and get same results, correct? And thank you!! I want to start now but I gotta wait for the beans to get here

Here's my suggestions:
Use Roots Organics Original as your media. You never hear of people complaining about it, ya sure can't say that about Fox Farm.
I'd go up to 5gal pots....especially for a first grow.

You can try the Dr earth, didn't say what ya have, or you can go very simple. You have more useful and valuable things to learn how to do without worrying about applying nutes 2 weeks ahead of the tome it's needed and what to use. You need to learn how to water properly and how to manage your environment to keep it in line with the VPD needed for the stage of life of your girls.

I would get the single part MegaCrop and use pop22 low dose feeding schedule. It's SIMPLE!
Any major brand mycorrhiza
Maybe some good quality Earthworm casting

Get a good grow under your belt and go from there. This way you can learn how to manage your environment without other thing getting in the way. It also keeps you from getting into buying a bunch of different amendments and not knowing how to properly use each one.

Here's the results from my first ever canna grow with MC being my main nute. I did use my other organic methods also, but MC was the main nute..
That's from one cheap Linda Seed GG#4 girl
View attachment 1325843

I'm a 30 year organic farmer. I'm mainly a living soil kinda guy. Container growing is new to me, so I had/have to learn the nuances of that. Once you learn the basics of organics, it's fairly easy to adapt to various situations.
Organics and living soil can make a quite easy and productive grow, but it takes prep before the grow. Your media need to "cook" in a tote before using.

Just don't get into buying a bunch of different nutes and other things and thinking YOU know what needs at that moment.

Most importantly......................Jf you have ANY question..................ASK!
You got it man. If my hydroponics store has roots. Perhaps I'll give it a try.