New Grower New grower. Need help

It's a root stimulator M8.. supposed to promote healthier more vigorous root growth basically.. I use it in weeks 2 and 3 and again in first week of flower.
Sheesh that was a long ass reply I appreciate the tips tho to answer your questions I've got alot of feed back saying I should be in the 6.3-6.5 range for my feedings. I've seen alot of people mix this Bush doctor fox farm coco loco with another soil. Since this is considered a soilless medium. So I guess all I can do as of right now is redo all of liquids???
Yeah take all that with a grain a of salt. I would treat it like soil and go for 6.5. When all else fails in soil I amend with worm castings and move on. I went down a crazy rabbit hole on that one. Damn diesel gets me every time.
Biobizz light mix, mykos and azos and calimagic for next set up? With FF nutes?
You could always set up a good living soil and not worry about PH or nutes and just use plain old water. With soil the more you put in up front the easier it is on the back end.
You could always set up a good living soil and not worry about PH or nutes and just use plain old water. With soil the more you put in up front the easier it is on the back end.

Any recommendations on some quality soil?
I recently joined this page yesterday in regards to all the good information about cannabis , I have been growing for about 2 months now and have a set up goin on right now. So I'm still new lol

Tent- 2x2x6

300w led galaxyhydro

1-3 gallon smartpots

Soil/Medium- fox farm coco loko

Nutrients- fox farm trio, bloom, grow big, tiger blood

Strain- gelato (5 pack)

Seedbank- seedsman

I have been working on this grow since dec 7th which was the first day of germanation it was in veg for about 7 weeks but I have had alot of hiccups. Now coming up on 4 weeks of flowering and have been dealing with yellowing of leafs majority of it's time it's been growing. Humidty stays around 30%-40% temp at 73-78 lights on 70-72 lights off. Its starting to perform nugs and has a really good smell to it. Looking for pointers for next grow even though this one is still kicking maybe I can figure out what's going on . It definitely should be alot bigger then what it is considering it's been growing for quite some time
. Ph for my water/ nutes is all in the 5.0- 6.0 range.

Few pictures posted below. Please aware ima new grower so take it easy on me haha
Well since I'm growing in fox farm coco loko, isnt that considered a soilless medium? Or am I wrong, I def need to get some runoff to see what's the ph in the runoff. Any specific way to do so? I've been told just give more water then normal until you see some runoff , i recently bought the accurate 8 so waiting on that to come in so I can test the soil. My other meter is crap and doesnt read
What is the ec of your nutes using coco is similar to Rockwool ph should be 5.5 to 6.0 auto are fussy if ph is not in check you get nutrient lock out wich will do that to the leaves if only a couple bottom leaves adjust ph issue should go away good luck oh p.s half nutrient strength of what manufacturers say then go up from there
What is the ec of your nutes using coco is similar to Rockwool ph should be 5.5 to 6.0 auto are fussy if ph is not in check you get nutrient lock out wich will do that to the leaves if only a couple bottom leaves adjust ph issue should go away good luck oh p.s half nutrient strength of what manufacturers say then go up from there

Not to sure on the ec part . Would it be on the bottles? I use FF trio, yep I went with a light feeding heard ff is potent
Not to sure on the ec part . Would it be on the bottles? I use FF trio, yep I went with a light feeding heard ff is potent
You need to get an ec pen cheap at amazon measures nute strength in my opinion for autos should be about 1000 ec and if plants respond ok to that gently go up from there